NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #0119871 AWSFL008-DS3

Enhancing Diversity in Buffalo, New York, Area Geoscience Programs

Latest Amendment Date October 20, 2004
Award Number 0119871
Award Instrument Continuing grant
Program Manager Jacqueline Huntoon
Start Date January 1, 2002
Expires December 31, 2005 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amount $1081592 (Estimated)
Investigator Gregory S. Baker gbaker@geology.buffalo.edu (Principal Investigator current)
John C. Fountain (Principal Investigator former)
John Staley (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Sponsor SUNY Buffalo
501 Capen Hall
Buffalo, NY 142600000 716/645-2977
Field Application 0000099 Other Applications NEC
Program Reference Code 0000,1697,OTHR,



Enhancing Diversity in Buffalo, New York, Area Geoscience Programs

A consortium of three State University of New York Institutions, led by the University at Buffalo, is developing a comprehensive program for the attraction of underrepresented groups to their geoscience programs and for the retention of these students. The program begins with the offering of new earth science courses at Erie Community College (ECC), and then leads either to the earth science education program (BSEd/MSEd) at Buffalo State College (BSC) or to the geology BA/BS program at the University at Buffalo (UB). ECC's City Campus serves a student population that includes over 50% underrepresented groups. It is the most common destination of students from the Buffalo Public Schools, whose student body is comprised of over 70% individuals from underrepresented groups.

The UB program includes: a continuing research program in which every student participates in ongoing research in one of the laboratories in the department; a research development seminar in which preparation of proposals and presentation of results is emphasized; a weekly seminar which includes attending professional talks, plus attendance at selected professional meetings, and discussion of the talks; a summer course in field techniques, including soil and hydrologic methods used in the consulting industry; a program of regular mentoring and tutoring for all participants; and participation in geology department/club activities on a regular basis. The program is designed to prepare the student to continue on for a Master's degree and potentially for a Ph.D. At BSC the program includes participation in ongoing research in the department plus a summer transition program and a field experience in a secondary education course. Students in the program may also continue graduate work at UB. The program is fully integrated with the extensive existing programs for students from underrepresented groups at each institution.

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