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Thank you for your interest in signing up for more Marine Corps News and Information. All the information you need to sign up for a subscription to our magazine or newsletters is provided below.

Marines Magazine
Marines (USPS 013-867) is published quarterly by the Division of Public Affairs, Media Branch, HQMC, 2 Navy Annex, Washington, DC 20380-1775. Periodicals-class postage paid at Washington, DC, and additional mailing stations. Subscriptions: For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

If you are interested in subscribing please visit our Marines magazine page.
Marine Corps Newsletters

Marine Corps News Weekly
This newsletter is sent out every Friday and includes some of the top stories and featured articles from USMC.MIL. In addition, the newsletter offers quick links to contemporary media outlets for a synopsis of your Marine Corps in local and national news outlets such as MCNBC, CNN, and the Washington Post.

This offers a quick way to get updated on what is taking place in your Corps every week.

Click Here to sign up for MC News Weekly Edition

The link will open your email and fill in the required information. Simply click the link, and send your mail - we'll do the rest.

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In order to unsubscribe, you must use the same email account to send the email through which you originally signed up for delivery

Semper Fi Direct
This edition of our newsletter is sent periodically to announce special events or activities relevant to the Corps. The information contained in this publication is geared toward Marines, Retirees, family members, and anyone who has a sincere interst in keeping connected to the Corps

The Commandants messages, developments with the V-22, winsome vignettes about the Marine Corps and more can be found in this publication

Click Here to sign up for Semper Fi Direct

The link will open your email and fill in the required information. Simply click the link, and send your mail - we'll do the rest.

Click Here to UnSubscribe from Semper Fi Direct

In order to unsubscribe, you must use the same email account to send the email through which you originally signed up for delivery


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