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  • Front Matter
    The Laboratory in the News
    Commentary by E. Michael Campbell and Michael Anastasio
  • Feature Articles
    Nova Laser Experiments and Stockpile Stewardship
    Sharing the Challenges of Nonproliferation
  • Research Highlight
    Taming Explosives for Training
  • Patents
  • Abstracts (see below)

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    Feature Articles

  • Nova Laser Experiments and Stockpile Stewardship

    (pdf file, 523K)

    High-power lasers contribute to the experimental study of matter under conditions of extremely high energy density, the conditions that exist in the interior of stars and in nuclear explosions. Experiments on the Nova laser system have helped resolve questions in three important areas of basic physics: equations of state, hydrodynamic instabilities, and opacity. The results of these experiments suggest that high-power lasers can play a significant role in a comprehensive, laboratory-based experimental program to support the Department of Energy's Stockpile Stewardship and Management Program.

  • Sharing the Challenges of Nonproliferation

    (pdf file, 633K)

    Lawrence Livermore scientists have been traveling to Russia and other newly independent states of the former Soviet Union to negotiate and collaborate with their counterparts in efforts to promote global nuclear security. Under the auspices of Nunn-Lugar legislation and the nonproliferation initiatives of the Departments of Energy and State, Lawrence Livermore scientists and engineers have helped negotiate transparency measures to confirm the progress of arms reduction activities, monitored Russian processing of weapons materials for conversion to civilian energy production, worked with and guided scientists from the newly independent states toward non-weapons projects, and worked with Russian weapons scientists to upgrade security and fissile material accountability of fissile material stored or processed at Russian nuclear facilities.

    Research Highlight

  • Taming Explosives for Training

  • (pdf file, 193K)

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