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Fireworks Fun!

What are "fireworks" from a scientific viewpoint?

The snap, crackle, pop, fizz, and color of fireworks are made by combining some of the elements in the Periodic Table of the Elements. Visit the Kaboom Periodic Table Pyrotechnicslink to a non-NIEHS site or the Lenntech Periodic Tablelink to a non-NIEHS site websites to learn more about which elements might be used and what effect they have.

But remember ... mixing chemicals together or playing with fireworks of any type is extremely dangerous. Only pyrotechnics experts should be handling fireworks of any type. The only safe way to enjoy fireworks is as a spectator, viewing from a safe distance away from the firing activity.

Click with your mouse in the picture below
to make more fireworks!

The place on the screen where you point and click determines the position of each "explosion." Create a grand finale display by clicking rapidly all over the screen. If you wish to create a display from a blank screen, go here.

More fireworks fun (on a blank screen).

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