FY 2003


The following terms and conditions are applicable to the Community Services Block Grant Program:


Ø      All eligible entities, currently in good standing within the State, shall receive its proportionate share of the increase in Community Services Block funds.  The proportionate share increase is to be applied to the 90 percent funds distributed by the State to all eligible entities.


Ø      Grantees are required to submit annual financial status reports, SF-269A’s (Short Form), for this program.  The first report is due 90 days after the end of first year, ie. December 30, 2003.  Final reports are due December 30, 2004.  Failure to submit reports on time may be the basis for withholding financial assistance payments, suspension or termination of funding.


Forms should be mailed to :


     Peter Thompson

     Financial Management Specialist


     Office of Mandatory Grants

     370 L’Enfant Promenade, S.W.

     Washington, D.C. 20447


Ø      Funds are available for expenditure in accordance with Title  VI of Public Law 97-35 as amended by P.L. 106-113, 45 CFR     Part 96, OMB Circular A-87, and the laws and procedures       applicable to the Community Service Block Grant Program.


Ø      Payments to grantees from their allotment for any fiscal year shall be expended by the grantee in such fiscal year or in    the succeeding fiscal year, Section 678(b)(42 U.S.C. 9907).


Ø      Grantees shall adhere to the nondiscrimination provisions     outlined in Section 677 (42 U.S.C. 9906).              


Ø      Grantees shall adhere to the Limitations on Use of Grants for Construction outlined in Section 680 (42 U.S.C. 9909).


Ø      Each grantee receiving an allotment for a fiscal year shall   adhere to the Application and Requirement Assurances set      forth in Section 675, including Section 675(c)(2)(B), 675     (c)(2)(A) and Section 675(c)(5).


Ø      Grantees shall adhere to a provision of P.L. 106-113 which

  requires that to the extent CSBG funds are distributed by a

  State to an eligible entity, and have not been expended by

  such entity, they shall remain with such entity for carryover

  into the next fiscal year for expenditure by such entity

  consistent with program purposes.


Ø      Grantees shall adhere to the provisions of 678D which         addresses the grantees responsibilities for fiscal control,   fund accounting and audit procedures.


Ø      The expenditure of funds under this program is subject to the annual audit requirements under the Single Audit Act of 1984  (P.L. 98-502) and the Office of Management and Budget         Circular 133 (Audits of State and Local Governments,          Institutions of Higher Education and Other Non-Profit         Organizations.  


Ø      Grantees under Section 678D (a)(1)(B) shall adhere to         cost and accounting standards of the Office of Management and Budget Circulars A-110 (Administrative Standards for Grants   and Cooperative Agreements to Non-Profit Organizations), codified at 45 CFR Part 74, and A-122 (Cost Principles for    Non-Profit Organizations).


Ø      As stated in Section 507 of Public Law 103-333 it is the      sense of Congress that, to the extent practicable, all        equipment and products purchased with funds made available in this Act should be American made.


Ø      As stated in Section 508 of Public Law 103-333, statements,   press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations and other documents describing projects or programs funded in     whole or in part with Federal money, all grantees receiving   Federal funds, including but not limited to State and local   governments and recipients of Federal research grants, shall  clearly state (1) the percentage of the total costs of the    program or project which will be financed with Federal money, (2) the dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or     program, and (3) percentage and dollar amount of the total    costs of the project or program that will be financed by      nongovernmental sources.


Ø      DHHS regulations codified in Title 45 of the Code of Federal  Regulations are applicable:


       Part 16 - Department Grant Appeals Board

       Part 30 - Claims Collection

       Part 76 - Debarment and Suspension from Eligibility for

                  Financial Assistance.

                  Subpart F. Drug-Free Workplace

       Part 93 - New restrictions on lobbying

       Part 96 - Block grants

       Part 97 - Consolidation of grants to the insular areas


Ø      Grantees must comply with Public Law 103-227, Part C -        Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as the Pro-Children   Act of 1994 (Act).  This Act requires that smoking not be     permitted in any portion of any indoor facility owned or      leased or contracted by an entity and used routinely or       regularly for the provision of health, day care, education,   or library services to children under the age of 18, if the   services are funded by Federal programs either directly or    through State or local governments.  Federal programs include grants, cooperative agreements, loans or loan guarantees, and contracts.  The law does not apply to children's services     provided in private residences, facilities funded solely by   Medicare or Medicaid funds, and portions of facilities used   for inpatient drug and alcohol treatment. 


  The grantee further agrees that the above language will be       included in any subawards which contain provisions for           children's services and that all subgrantees shall certify       compliance accordingly.  Failure to comply with the              provisions of this law may result in the imposition of a         civil monetary penalty of up to $1000 per day.


NOTE:     For your information, the U.S. General Accounting             Office maintains a toll free telephone number, (800)               424-5454, for receiving information concerning fraud,               waste or abuse under grants and cooperative agreements.       Such reports are kept confidential, and callers may              decline to give their names if they choose to remain               anonymous.