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Command to share ISR challenges with industry
U.S. Joint Forces Command invites industry, academia, and other interested organizations to a forum focused on challenges disseminating critical information.
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Command to host veterans concert
The commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command will host the ninth annual "A Salute to Veterans" concert in November.

New Suffolk facility to provide warfighter rapid solutions
USJFCOM's Joint Systems Integrations Command opens its doors to work on rapid technology insertion, placing near-term capabilities in the hands of the warfighter.
Read Adm. Giambastiani's remarks

Latest technologies are tested for interoperability
As part of U.S. Joint Forces Command's Joint Systems Integration Command, the Interoperability Technology Demonstration Center rapidly moves technology from the laboratory to the joint warfighter.
More about the Joint Systems Integration Command

Industry, academia, and government leaders to play vital transformation role
USJFCOM's Transformation Advisory Group (TAG) will meet early this fall to help maximize the command's transformation efforts.
More about the Transformation Advisory Group

USJFCOM examines key insights from Unified Engagement 04
Senior leaders garnered valuable insights from USJFCOM's first joint co-sponsored wargame with the U.S. Air Force, Unified Engagement 04, an experiment that examined future joint service, coalition and interagency concepts to see how they can be applied to solve complex warfighting problems in future joint operations.
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Command solicits industry comments
U.S. Joint Forces Command has posted a notice actively seeking industry's input to an upcoming contract's statement of work.
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USJFCOM develops Joint Manpower Exchange Program
A growing movement to share knowledge across the U.S. armed forces culminates in an inaugural military exchange program which kicks off this summer.

Command uses academic partnership to enhance workforce development
Working together with local and state officials, U.S. Joint Forces Command's senior leadership has created an opportunity to positively influence relevant curriculum and to help create a future workforce.

Joint Advanced Training Technology Laboratory contract awarded
A Fairfax, Va.-based company will help U.S. Joint Forces Command develop and run an advanced laboratory to evaluate training technology.

Navy's Clark named USJFCOM Military Member of the Quarter
U.S. Joint Forces Command recently recognized one of the command's information systems technicians for his contributions while supporting the Command, Control, Communications, and Computer (C4) Systems Directorate.

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Command seeks industry comments for portal
Vendors will have the opportunity to comment on what U.S. Joint Forces Command thinks it needs for its enterprise portal solution.
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Wood takes over Joint Experimentation Directorate
Former commander of Army's 2nd Infantry Division in the Republic of South Korea takes reins of overseeing USJFCOM directorate's goals of exploring, testing and validating warfighting ideas and concepts that lead to military transformation
U.S. Joint Forces Command 1562 Mitscher Ave. Suite 200 Norfolk, Va. 23551-2488 757-836-6555/DSN 836-6555