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Picture of Under Secretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response Michael D. Brown
Under Secretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response Michael D. Brown:
Michael D. Brown is the first Under Secretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response in the newly created Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Brown coordinates federal disaster relief activities, and initiates proactive mitigation activities.
About Michael D. Brown

Disaster Headlines
• FEMA And Ohio To Open Disaster Recovery Center In Trimble
• FEMA Announces $10.1 Million In Disaster Aid To Virginia For Gaston
• Expert Guidance Available To Prevent Future Flood Damage
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''The Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry'' is a step-by-step approach to emergency planning, response and recovery for companies of all sizes.  The guide is sponsored by a Public-Private Partnership with FEMA, and is supported by a number of private companies and associations representing business and industry.  (The approaches described in the guide are recommendations, not regulations. There are no reporting requirements, nor will following these principles ensure compliance with any Federal, State or local codes or regulations that may apply to your facility.)  View and download a copy of ''The Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry'' online at: ''The Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry'' is a step-by-step approach to emergency planning, response and recovery for companies of all sizes. The guide is sponsored by a Public-Private Partnership with FEMA, and is supported by a number of private companies and associations representing business and industry. (The approaches described in the guide are recommendations, not regulations. There are no reporting requirements, nor will following these principles ensure compliance with any Federal, State or local codes or regulations that may apply to your facility.) View and download a copy of ''The Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry'' online at:

 FEMA: Emergency Management Guide For Business & Industry

FEMA Regions

Click here to access the FEMA site in a separate browser window.