Global Monthly Vegetation Cover

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5. The present status of GVI data products

The GVI products that have been routinely available at NOAA are B2.0 (daily maps) and B3.0 (weekly composite maps). The work in the GVI project has been based on weekly composites (B3.0). The creation of the third-generation GVI consists of reprocessing the second-generation GVI dataset (April 1985 - present) by the procedures described below and summarized in Fig. 3. Atmospheric, anisotropic and diurnal variability corrections and derivation of surface geophysical characteristics (dashed box) are bypassed in the current work but remain the subject of further research and development. The data products that have recently become available in addition to B3.0 are: B3.1/W15, B3.2/W15, C3.2/M15, and D3.2/M15.

a. GVI weekly products (B3.1/W15 and B3.2/W15)
The counts in AVHRR thermal channels are converted to T4 and T5 (Kidwell 1991; Kidwell 1994) and corrected for calibration non-linearity (Rao 1993). Reflectances in the solar channels, and , are calculated using the updated (Pathfinder) calibration (Rao and Chen 1994), which accounts for sensor degradation, and then corrected for sun-earth distance. The NDVI= and PWI=(T4-T5) are calculated at the B3.1 level to retain accuracy since all B3 product values are packed into eight bits.

Composite imagery in many parts of the world is often cloud contaminated and should be cloud screened before any geophysical analysis. The B3.2 cloud/clear identification technique uses T4-thresholds dependent upon month, region, and viewing angle as described in detail by Gutman et al. (1994). Together with updated calibration, the generation of QC flags is the major enhancement to the second generation GVI dataset. The B3.2 data products for the period April 1985 - present include weekly composite maps of the TOA , , NDVI, T4, T5, PWI, the associated solar zenith and satellite scan angles, and QC flags. The relative azimuth angle ( i.e. the difference between solar and satellite azimuth angles) needed for atmospheric/ angular corrections is not supplied with the dataset as a separate file, but is calculated within the reading program appended to the dataset. An example of a B3.2/W15 product -- weekly composite NDVI map with a QC mask -- is given in Gutman et al. (1994).

b. GVI monthly products (C3.2/M15)
The C3.2/M15 production flow includes the following steps: 1) QC flags are applied on a weekly basis, resulting in data gaps, 2) each quantity is averaged over one month for each map cell to partially fill in the data gaps and reduce some of the angular variability (the number of cloud-free weeks is stored as an additional map); 3) bilinear spatial interpolation is applied to the missing data areas with persistent cloudiness in monthly averaged images; 4) 3x3 map cell smoothing is done to partially account for the imperfection of cloud screening, to filter out atmospheric and angular variabilities, and to compensate for random spatial sampling from GAC data into the GVI map cells. The above procedure yields monthly mean values for TOA ,, NDVI, T4, T5, and PWI at each GVI map cell for each month of each year. Figure 4 shows examples of C3.2/M15 products -- global monthly maps of T4 for October 1993, January 1994 and April 1994. The T4 map represents near maximum rather than daily mean brightness temperature, because of spacecraft mid-afternoon observation time.

c. GVI monthly climatology (D3.2/M15)
A 5-yr climatology of means and variances at 0.15resolution (D3.2/M15) has been developed from the C3.2/M15 monthly fields of TOA , , NDVI, T4, T5, and PWI using data from April 1985 to December 1987 (NOAA-9), and from January 1989 to March 1991 (NOAA-11). The NOAA-9 data for 1988 and most of 1991 onward (after the Mt. Pinatubo eruption) were excluded since no angular/atmospheric corrections were applied.

Global maps of multiannual means and standard deviations of clear-sky AVHRR-derived variables have been generated for the first time under the GVI project, although global 3-yr NDVI statistics have been available during the past year (Hastings and Di 1994). Figure 5 shows the NDVI 5-yr climatology for July. Despite the short 5-yr base period, the areas with high interannual vegetation variability are clearly depicted on the map of standard deviations and are of particular interest to climatologists. The areas in central Siberia, southeast Australia, and northeast Brazil show high interannual NDVI variability, the latter being attributed to droughts caused by ENSO during the 5 yr. Figure 6 shows the completion of the annual cycle of the mean NDVI from Fig. 5. The areas in white (T4< 270 K) are classified as stable snow/ice and in gray (270 K <T4< 280 K) as transitional (unstable) snow/ice, both having > 20 %.

Figure 7 shows the July climatology of , T4, and PWI. The global and seasonal distribution of PWI agrees with the observed distribution of precipitable water (Tuller 1968). This suggests a potential for PWI as a measure of large-scale water vapor distribution over land (see Section 2b). The multispectral GVI data can be used for deriving other land variables (e.g. LST and albedo) and for improving classifications of bioclimates based on temporal analysis of NDVI alone (e.g. Tucker et al. 1985; Townshend et al. 1987).

d. Prototype of a global land monitoring system
A prototype global land monitoring system has been developed based on a Silicon Graphics UNIX workstations. It is an evolving system, in which some parts can be improved and/or replaced, and is suitable for routine operations, requiring very little human intervention.

Each week, composite B3.0 data are automatically accessed and copied to a UNIX workstation magnetic disc. The production of B3.1 and B3.2 follows ( i.e. calibration and generation of QC masks). The enhanced weekly product is then appended to the existing NOAA archive. At the beginning of each month, the previous five B3.2 weekly products are processed at the C level (i.e. the QC flags are applied and monthly averaging, interpolation and smoothing are carried out). Then, the monthly standardized anomalies are generated and made available for climate analysis and interpretation. Display of the seasonal and year-to-year dynamics on a global scale of the derived land products is now possible by means of the animation loops on workstations using a menu-driven program and the Interactive Data Language (IDL) software.

An example of the standardized anomalies for July over the United States during 1985-1994 (Fig. 8) illustrates the multiannual potential of the GVI products. (Note that the positive and negative anomalies for the whole time series are not mutually balanced since the base period for

climatology development includes only five of the nine presented years.) In general, the derived anomalies compare well with the maps of the Palmer drought index produced by NOAA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, except for some special situations. For example, the areas, where the 5-yr mean NDVI estimates are biased, are not easily interpreted, particularly in the west, where PDI indicates dry conditions during all five yr. During most of the NOAA-11 observational period, dry areas in the west also show a "greening" trend, which we attribute to residual calibration error and which seems to be partially compensated for by the sun-angle effect in 1994 (Gutman and Ignatov 1995). Further, note that both moisture deficit (droughts) and excess (floods) are associated with lowered NDVI. The "Great Flood" of 1993 in the area of Iowa and the flooding of 1994 in northern Florida appear as patterns of negative anomalies in Fig. 8. Additional information, such as thermal IR and/or microwave measurements should be used to distinguish insufficient from excessive moisture conditions. The derived temperature anomalies are affected by the diurnal variability of the observed brightness temperature as a result of

satellite orbit drift (see Section 4), which presents difficulties in monitoring AVHRR temperatures (Gutman and Ignatov 1995). Corrected temperature time series from AVHRR and/or data from other sensors should alleviate this problem.

e. Remaining uncertainties and potential enhancements
All of the processing levels have potential for improvement. The calibration and cloud screening should be refined. The B3.3-B3.5 products are yet to be generated. The use of optimal averaging and interpolation on the Clevel is preferable to fill in the data gaps. These, however, require the spatial/temporal correlation functions, which are not available now. The D level can be improved by using longer time series and developing other statistics.

1) Atmospheric, anisotropic, and diurnal variability effects
The major distortion of the signal in solar channels by the atmosphere is due to aerosol and water vapor. Global observations of these constituents are not readily available. Research is underway to derive this information from AVHRR data [e.g., using PWI for water vapor amount (Eck and Holben 1994)]. Much effort has yet to be invested to correct data for stratospheric and

tropospheric aerosol effects. Several studies have shown that much of the contribution to angular variability in the observed radiances is due to surface anisotropy (Roujean et al. 1992). Thus, even if the atmospheric corrections are made, it is unclear how the results could be interpreted. A single globally applicable correction is not possible due to the variability of surface effects in space

and time. Models of only a few vegetation types are unlikely to be generic because of topography and mixture of vegetation types. Surface and atmospheric diurnal variability is most pronounced in the thermal data, resulting from satellite orbit drift. Normalization to common observation time is needed for monitoring interannual variability in surface temperature.

2) An alternative approach
Since atmospheric, anisotropic, and diurnal variability corrections of GVI data are presently

infeasible, an alternative approach has been proposed for developing TOA regional empirical angular/diurnal variability functions (REAF) for each limited region of the global land surface for limited periods - for example, monthly (Gutman 1994a,b). (Note that diurnal variability can be expressed as sun-angle dependence for a given latitude; geostationary satellite data could be used for developing this dependence.) The number of the REAFs may be reduced using cluster analysis at a later stage. The REAFs are in turn used to normalize all data to a common sun-target-sensor geometry. Pilot studies indicate that the time series become more stable after TOA normalization (Gutman 1994b; Ba et al. 1995). The effective elimination of angular biases allows more reliable interpretation of the results and widens the area of applicability for analysis. The methodology has to be improved and tested further before its global development is undertaken.

3) Lessons we have learned
While analyzing the operational production of GVI (B3.0), a number of lessons about data collection have been learned. These lessons indicate how the AVHRR data management could be improved and have implications for the NOAA/NASA Pathfinder AVHRR land dataset. In the NOAA GVI operations, only afternoon satellite passes are collected, preventing diurnal variability studies on one hand, and leading to persistent cloud contamination in some areas, on the other hand. Data should be collected from each of the currently operating NOAA polar orbiters, allowing more coverage and opening new opportunities for research. Compositing in the NOAA GVI collection is currently done by using the maximum of a simple difference Ch2-Ch1, leading to a stronger bias in observation geometry as compared to using maximum NDVI (Gutman 1991). Both (Ch2-Ch1) and NDVI compositing procedures are not appropriate for collecting clear observations over snow and desert regions. Other methods (e.g., using T4) should be explored. The NDVI and Ch2-ch1 compositing procedures retain cloud-contaminated data over water surfaces. Since negative values of NDVI (and Ch2-Ch1) are observed over cloud-free water, compositing by the absolute value would add information over water bodies in the composite imagery. Thus, compositing, if unavoidable, should be done using maximum absolute value NDVI or T4. Yet, methods other than compositing should be developed to reduce data volume, preferably after cloud screening has been done. Therefore, cloud/clear discrimination should be done on the original daily images so that clear pixels are mapped. A 10-bit precision is recommended for thermal IR channels, which are currently truncated to 8-bit precision (i.e. 0.5 K) in the NOAA GVI. All channels should be collected. Channel 3 in the GVI dataset collection could facilitate discrimination of snow from clouds and detection of aerosols. Most of these recommendations are already in effect in the Pathfinder processing scheme and should be implemented in NOAA's operations.

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