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TIPSshdw.gif (9377 bytes)Electronic Permitting Initiative


Using computers and computer applications has become the way of doing business in today's office environment. Text, laboratory and field data, including maps and data bases, are generated and captured in computer systems; any related environmental and engineering analyses are performed with computers using specific software.

The focus of OSM's electronic permitting initiative's is to provide permit reviewers computer-based tools and methodologies to access readily useable electronic documents, maps and data, and to perform necessary technical and environmental analyses applying sound science principles. Additional benefits include the ability to share data with managers, field personnel, with other agencies and public.

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Electronic permitting is the ability to utilize all aspects of the electronic work environment -- capturing or creating documents or text, maps, and data in electronic format in order to:

1.   easily transfer to any location or computer system,

2.   provide easy access (including public access),

3.   allow modifications to suit the user's needs,

4.   allow review and processing of the data, and

5.   facilitate efficient archiving into appropriate data bases or storage systems for future use.


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