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AESDirect WebLink Service Upgrade
Status Inquiry Transaction

Obtain the latest AES status of your SED directly into your Desktop Web application, or other Web enabled device through a simple automated browser Inquiry transaction to AESDirect.

On Monday July 12th AESDirect will introduce a new inquiry transaction into the WebLink interface.

The WebLink inquiry transaction allows the submission of a status query transaction that will return the status of a shipment (SED) previously submitted to AESDirect.

A WebLink inquiry transaction can be submitted at any time. In addition the inquiry can reference any shipment submitted to the filers AESDirect account to allow the current status of any shipment to be obtained. Any shipment can be queried regardless of how it was submitted to AESDirect (WWW Interface, EDI upload, AESDirect VPN, or WebLink interfaces).

In response to an inquiry transaction, WebLink can send the current AES status and AES ITN# (if available) to another web application (via an HTTP redirect) or return an HTML response that is designed to be viewed by the user and also can be easily processed by the client-side application to extract the status and AES ITN#. This behavior is controlled by the application requesting the status.

Using this capability a WebLink provider can build into their WebLink client-side interface the logic and ability to submit the shipment transactions and inquire about the status of the shipments. Alternatively a WebLink provider can build an inquiry capability independent of the submission interface to allow users to obtain their shipment ITN# at any time.

A key element of the Inquiry response transaction is the ITN# issued by AES for the shipment. It is important to understand that the ITN# will only be available once the shipment has been submitted to AES by AESDirect and has been accepted by AES. The WebLink provider should take this timing into account if submitting an automated inquiry to obtain the ITN#.

The inquiry transaction is of particular importance if the WebLink provider wishes to capture the ITN# for their client-side application for logistical and compliance purposes.

If you have any questions, please contact AESDirect Customer Support at 1-877-715-4433 or boc-support@tradegate2000.com

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