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 ---AESDirect Support Center ---

System Requirements/Browser Support
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System Requirements [top]

AESDirect requires only that your computer be capable of running one of the web browsers listed below. These are general requirements for the web browsers listed below.

The tutorial and demo require that your screen be set to a resolution of at least 800x600 pixels. If your screen is set to a lower resolution you will not be able to see all of some screens.

Operating System: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP
Processor: 486DX2/66 or Faster (i.e. Intel Pentium, AMD K6 or K7)
Memory: At Least 16MB (Windows 95/98), 32MB (Windows NT)
Hard Drive Space: 25-100 MB

Connection Speed [top]

If you are using a modem to access AESDirect you should have a modem capable of at least 28.8 Kbs. Modems that are capable of higher rates (33.6 Kbps or 56 Kbps) are recommended for better performance.

Supported Web Browsers [top]

AESDirect: AESDirect was designed to support Netscape Navigator/Communicator Versions 4.x and higher, and Microsoft Internet Explorer Versions 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x. Use of other versions or browsers is not supported. Click Here to Test your Browser

AESPcLink: To use AESPcLink you must have Microsoft Internet Explorer Versions 5.x or higher installed on your computer. Use of other versions or browsers is not supported.

Download Netscape Download Internet Explorer

Scripting [top]

AESDirect uses javascript. Please make sure that you have javascript enabled in your browser, otherwise you will not be able to use AESDirect.

Cookies [top]

Please make sure that you have cookies enabled in your browser.

AESDirect uses cookies. In Netscape Communicator settings for cookies are found in the 'Advanced' section of the preferences dialog. In Internet Explorer settings for cookies are found on the 'Advanced' tab of the 'Internet Options' dialog, in the section labeled 'security'.

Plug-ins [top]

Adobe Acrobat Reader: There are several documents on the U.S. Customs and U.S. Census Bureau websites that are linked to from AESDirect that require Adobe Acrobat Reader. Acrobat Reader is free and distributed via the Adobe website.

Get Acrobat Reader

Encryption [top]

All connections to and from AESDirect that contain export information or your username and password are encrypted using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) v3.0.

AESDirect uses a IIS 4.0 and a Global Server ID from Verisign to enable 128-bit RC4 encryption for all transactions in the AESDirect application. Because we use a Global Server ID rather than a standard server ID, 128-bit encryption is possible with both domestic (US) and export browsers. If you have a browser with export grade encryption (most people do) you will not have to upgrade your browser.

If you are using a browser that will not support 128 bit encryption you will not be able to access the AESDirect application or tutorial (See Browser section above for details on obtaining a compatible browser).

America Online Users

You can use America Online (AOL) to access AESDirect, however, the browser that is included with AOL will not function correctly with AESDirect. In order to use AESDirect you will need to install a separate web browser rather than using the browser that is included in the AOL software. Information on obtaining web browser can be found in the Web Browsers section above.

Compuserve Users

You can use Compuserve to access AESDirect, however, the browser that is included with Compuserve will not function correctly with AESDirect. In order to use AESDirect you will need to install a separate web browser rather than using the browser that is included in the Compuserve software. Information on obtaining web browser can be found in the Web Browsers section above.

U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Logo U.S. Department of Commerce

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