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Wildland Fire Safety

Training header and photos of fire shelter deployment, line construction and heli-rappel training.

Keeping up with new developments in tools, technology, science, and safety...


Fire management programs and techniques are constantly changing, changing in response to new science, changes in public policy, advances in technology, and safety and fire prevention lessons learned.

A wide range of courses are available year-round all across the country for professional wildland fire professionals to update their knowledge and skills. Many of these courses are interagency in nature, others are specific to the needs of the Forest Service.

We make every effort to keep up with meetings, conferences and training sessions, providing links to Web sites which provide detailed information about these events.



Radios (hand held) - Virtual tour web site (HTML)
Web web site goes through all the steps from changing a battery to the most extensive radio functions.

Calendar of Training ,Events, and Conferences

Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center (HTML file)

Fatigue Awareness Training
(PDF File) (PPT File)

Directory of Training Links

Related links



Fire 21 Symbol and link. slogan "safety, integrity and mutual respect"


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