NTSB seal/Home.Recommendations & Accomplishments.
Most Wanted Transportation Safety Improvements " ...a program to increase the public's awareness of, and support for, action to adopt safety steps that can help prevent accidents and save lives."

Complete Description of List by Modes

Aviation  Aviation  Highway  Highway  Intermodal  Intermodal 
Marine Marine  Pipeline  Pipeline  Railroad  Railroad 


Current "Most Wanted" List brochure. "Most Wanted" List Brochure, September 2004 (PDF document)
State-by-State Status Chart State-by-State Status of "Most Wanted" List Recommendations, September 2004 (PDF document)
State Issues

State Issues on the "Most Wanted" list, September 2004

Modifications made to "Most Wanted" list after September 1990

Modifications made to "Most Wanted" list, after September 1990
by issue areas and changes made after orginal list was adopted

Original "Most Wanted" list, as adopted September 1990 Original "Most Wanted" list, as adopted September 1990
Listed by issue area