Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
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Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Home Page
October 16, 2004

National Security
Combat Support and Demilitarization
Cyber Security
Homeland Security
Information and Communications
Intelligence Technologies and Analysis
Nonproliferation and Counterproliferation
Safeguards and Security
News Releases
Fact Sheets
Doing Business with the INEEL
 Feature archive 
James Woolsey, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
  Former CIA Director kicks off INEEL National Security Speaker Series Full story
 News Releases more.. 
 · Military first responders to take on simulated 'dirty' dispersal device at INEEL
 · INEEL to demonstrate Explosive Detection System
 · INEEL to host active interrogation workshop
 · INEEL scientist demonstrates nuclear materials detector
 Newsletter archive 
Dr. James Jones
  INEEL scientist demonstrates nuclear materials detection Full story

The INEEL has been conducting national security programs since its inception, and National Security continues today as one of the laboratory’s main mission areas. The laboratory has delivered products, services and solutions to the United States as it tackled its toughest battles - from World War II to today’s crucial war on terrorism.

The attacks of September 11, 2001, however, opened the nation’s eyes to a more vulnerable United States. We now recognize that not only can our citizens be threatened, but the very infrastructure that supports our society is also at risk.

The National Security Division of the INEEL is well positioned to address the needs of the nation, Departments of Energy and Homeland Security, the U.S. military, federal agencies and industry as they endeavor to respond to those tragic events and subsequent heightened awareness of our vulnerability.

We are dedicated to the delivery of science and engineered solutions that counter threats to the security of our nation - its people, infrastructure and environment.

  • Combat Support and Demilitarization — developing solutions for the U.S. military in command and control, information systems, mission planning modeling and simulation, and process controls. Delivering state-of-the-art, integrated systems using INEEL-developed sensor and technologies to the U.S. soldier, both home and abroad.

    Contact: Gary Thinnes (208) 526-9298,

  • Cyber Security — marshalling INEEL’s comprehensive operations and advanced research and development to design tools addressing cyber threats.

    Contact: Rob Hoffman (208) 526-8599,

  • Homeland Security — identifying vulnerabilities, developing technologies and testing solutions to; prevent terrorist attacks within the United States; reduce the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism; and minimize the damage and assist in the recovery from terrorist attacks that do occur. Scope includes the INEEL Critical Infrastructure Assurance Initiative and Test Range operation.

    Contact: Ken Watts (208) 526-9628,

  • Information and Communications — solving national and international programmatic challenges using emerging advanced computing, information and communications technologies. Conducts large-scale, independent, end-to-end testing of next generation communication infrastructure including 3G/4G cell phone and data systems.

    Contact: Jane Gibson, (208) 526-3131,

  • Intelligence Technologies and Analysis — conducting research and development in materials, optics and other technology areas, and providing support to the intelligence community.

    Contact: Steve Hartenstein, (208) 526-1967,

  • Nonproliferation and Counterproliferation — reducing the threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems. Developing technologies and systems for the detection of WMD and other contraband. Mission includes operation of the INEEL Active Interrogative Research and Test Facility.

    Contact: Jim Barrett, (208) 526-0763,

  • Safeguards and Security — using operational experience and expertise to increase security of our nation’s facilities and personnel through security system engineering, vulnerability assessments and training. Mission includes live fire test range operation.

Contacts:   Larry Freeman
    Ken Watts
    Lynn Goldman
(208) 526-0010

Page contact: Kathy Gatens,

Updated: Wednesday, September 08, 2004
For general inquiries about the INEEL, please call 1-800-708-2680.
© 2004 Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC. All rights reserved.
Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC is an EEO/AA employer.
The INEEL is operated for the DOE by Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC.
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