Search Help
There are 2 new ways you can move around within the site:
- Breadcrumbs Navigation Trail: Breadcrumbs tell you where you are in relation to the rest of the website by showing a path or trail of the pages you visit. Breadcrumbs consist of hyperlinks to the main web pages you visit so that you can quickly move around the site without having to use your browser's "back" button. An example of a breadcrumb navigation bar appears below. This example tells you that you are at the "Basic Report" page in the Cost and Benefits section of the Medicare Personal Plan Finder.
- Tabbed Menu Bar: In the upper portion of the web page you will see different "tabs" with linking words on each tab, going horizontally across the page. These tabs take you to information about the particular area you are at in the website. The tab that is highlighted indicates the page you are on while the other are "faded" in the background. An example of a tabbed menu navigation bar appears below. This example tells you that you are at the "OOPC High Cost Conditions" page within the Out-of-Pocket Costs section of the Medicare Personal Plan Finder.
Search Results
- There are three easy steps to complete to find health plan choices available in your area. Steps 2 and 3 include questions that help you personalize your plan results.
- The Cost and Benefits Basic Report page contains a tab to the out-of-pocket cost estimates for all the plans in your zip code for comparison purposes. The monthly out-of-pocket cost estimates reflect the average expenses for a person your age and health status.
- On the Cost and Benefits Basic Report page there are empty checkboxes next to each health plan. You should click in each box next to the health plans for which you want to see more information, and then click on the View Detailed Report button at the bottom of the page.
- The Cost and Benefits Detailed Report page contains tabs to the quality measures and information about why people chose to leave their Managed Care Plan.
Thank you for using the Medicare Personal Plan Finder. We hope it will make your health care
coverage decisions easier.