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Updated: 20 Nov 2003
JCOC: Joint Civilian Orientation Conference



Welcome to the Joint Civilian Orientation Conference home page. This website is a resource for those who are being nominated, attending or are alumni of a conference.

JCOC logo

The Joint Civilian Orientation Conference (JCOC) is a week-long, multi-Service orientation program for civilian public opinion leaders who have limited knowledge of national defense issues. JCOC participants attend briefings in the Pentagon given by the highest levels of Department of Defense (DoD) civilian and military leadership. The participants then spend the rest of the conference in the field with all of the Military Services observing exercises, firing weapons, and participating in training. It is a program in which the Secretary of Defense takes a personal interest and is the only civilian orientation program that he sponsors. It is the oldest existing Pentagon program, having been held 66 times since 1948.

The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs is the DOD proponent for JCOC. The Director of JCOC works in the Community Relation and Public Liaison directorate.

For more JCOC information, please visit the JCOC Facts page.

If you have any questions about JCOC, please contact the Defense Project Officer for JCOC at (703) 614-6543 or (703) 697-6005 or email jcoc@osd.mil.

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