Probe Newsletter

Newsletter for the USDA Plant Genome Research Program

Volume 4, No. 1/2, July 1993-July 

Table of Contents

  1. USDA's Office of Agricultural Biotechnology
  2. Summary of the 1993 Plant Genome Awards
  3. RBNET (Electronic Mail Network for Rice Biotechnologists)
  4. New Capabilities and Connections for the Plant Genome Database
  5. Plant Genome II Conference Report
  6. Soybase News
  7. The Class of 1993 Plant Genome Grant Recipients
  8. A Primer on Images and the Internet
  9. Maize Genome Database, a USDA-ARS Plant Genome Database
  10. Introducing Dr. Edward Kaleikau
  11. Announcing Plant Genome III Meeting
  12. Calendar of Upcoming Genome Events
  13. Survey of Synonymous Coden Usage in Nuclear Genes of Arabidopsis, Soybean and Maize
  14. Plant Genome Analysis by Single Arbitrary Primer Amplification
  15. Distinctive Biology of Forest Trees Highlighted at Sixth International Meeting