"Seeds of Change" Quiz

Test your knowledge with the following "Seeds of Change" quiz. Correct answers follow.

1. Today corn and potatoes supply how much of the global calories?

  1. a) 5 percent
  2. b) 10 percent
  3. c) 20 percent
  4. d) 40 percent
  5. e) 80 percent

2. Conquest of the New World caused a loss in native populations. Between 1492 and 1900 how great was the loss?

  1. a) 3 percent
  2. b) 9 percent
  3. c) 27 percent
  4. d) 54 percent
  5. e) 90 percent

3. While New World populations were on the decline Old World populations were rapidly increasing. In the same time frame how large was the European population increase?

  1. a) 20 percent
  2. b) 80 percent
  3. c) 120 percent
  4. d) 240 percent
  5. e) 444 percent

4. New World herbal remedies included the following drugs: quinine; cocaine; and cortisone. Which New World botanical provided cortisone?

  1. a) yams
  2. b) cassava
  3. c) maize
  4. d) peanuts
  5. e) squash

5. The New World has incorporated many waves of immigration. The African continent is the source of the single largest forced migration. Between 1492 and 1888 how many Africans were brought to this hemisphere?

  1. a) 1 million
  2. b) 2 million
  3. c) 5 million
  4. d) 10 million
  5. e) 20 million

6. Which labor-intensive crop introduced slavery to the New World?

  1. a) cotton
  2. b) sugar cane
  3. c) tobacco
  4. d) chocolate
  5. e) coffee

7. Which of the following crops was introduced from the Old World?

  1. a) pineapple
  2. b) rubber
  3. c) sugar cane
  4. d) chili peppers
  5. e) vanilla

8. How long, in days, was the first voyage of Columbus?

  1. a) 33
  2. b) 54
  3. c) 67
  4. d) 89
  5. e) 121

9. How many voyages to the New World did Columbus make?

  1. a) one
  2. b) two
  3. c) three
  4. d) four
  5. e) five

10. The New World has many resources. What has become the most enduring and important resource exchanged with the Old World?

  1. a) golden artifacts
  2. b) Colombian emeralds
  3. c) the Fountain of Youth
  4. d) botanical wealth
  5. e) land


  1. d; 2. e; 3. e; 4. a; 5. d; 6. b; 7. c; 8. a; 9. c; 10. d