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CRS is a participating agency in the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program. Administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the PMF program is designed to attract to federal service outstanding graduate-level students from a wide variety of academic disciplines who have an interest in, and commitment to, a career in the analysis and management of public policies and programs.

The PMF program is a two-year program. Initial PMF appointments are at the GS-9 level ($41,815 - $54,360 per year). After successful completion of the first year, PMFs are eligible for promotion to the GS-11 level ($50,593 - $65,769 per year). Upon successful completion of the second year, PMFs are eligible for conversion to a permanent federal civil service position and promotion to the GS-12 level ($60,638 - $78,826 per year). Over 100 government organizations, including the Congressional Research Service, participate in the PMF program. PMFs choose the location for their initial two-year appointment from among these organizations.

Further Information

For more information about the PMF program, including eligibility requirements and application procedures, please consult or contact the U.S. Office of Personnel Management USAJOBS Telephone Line at (478) 757-3000.

For additional information about CRS's participation in the PMF program, please e-mail us at or call (202) 707-5776.

Last Update: August 11, 2004