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FastLane FAQs

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Create PDF FAQs

These are questions about creating PDF files and include TeX/LaTeX issues. These are NOT questions about using FastLane's File Upload Conversion option. There are 14 items in Create PDF FAQs.

  1. Which file formats, besides PDF, are now supported by FastLane?
  2. My PDF files look fine when I view/print them one at a time. But when I print the entire proposal (or when I send the proposal to my Sponsor Project Office or equivalent) characters are missing and equations corrupted. What is happening?
  3. When NSF prints the proposals, do they print the proposal in color?
  4. How do I combine two PDF documents into one?
  5. Why do I get a "font cannot be embedded due to licensing restriction" error message?
  6. How do I know whether or not my PDF file contains embeddable Type 1 or TrueType fonts?
  7. My document had 1" margins and I have a printout to prove it. My program officer says my proposal is non-compliant because NSF prints it out with 0.85" margins.  Why did FastLane change my document?
  8. My project description was 15 pages in my word processor but when I pull it up in FastLane it is 16 pages. What is happening?
  9. I heard that NSF accepts only PDF Version 1.2 (Acrobat 3 compatible) or earlier files. While I know that I can create Acrobat 3 compatible files in Acrobat 4, why not just accept PDF Version 1.3?
  10. When trying to print a FastLane form (i.e. pull up a form in Adobe Reader) I get "An Error Occurred While Trying to Use This Document" error message or a blank page and a "Document Done" message. What is wrong?
  11. Can you upload all of the current and pending support forms as one file, by clicking on the PI's name and clicking on the Transfer File button?
  12. How do I convert a file to PDF?
  13. Can a TeX or LaTeX file be submitted in the reporting system?
  14. My program requires several forms that the Project Reports System does not support, like an evaluation report and data sheets. How can I include them in my report?

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