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federal funds data, fiscal years 1998-2001

The data are from the Census Bureau Consolidated Federal Funds Reports obtained from Federal Government agencies on Federal expenditures and obligations for grants, salaries and wages, procurements, direct payments, direct loans, guaranteed loans, and insurance. ERS has aggregated the data to reveal the urban-rural distribution of Federal funding. The Federal funds data for each Federal program and for each county and State are screened for accuracy to the county level and then aggregated by function and type of program, and by type of county, State, and region.

data files
ERS produces four data files each year. The most recent data are as follows.

  • 2001—Includes 3 SAS data files, 1 compressed zip file for the county data, 4 SAS sample data extraction program files, 1 documentation file and 1 readme file.

  • 2000—Includes 3 SAS data files, 1 compressed zip file for the county data, 4 SAS sample data extraction program files, 1 documentation file and 1 readme file.

  • 1999—Includes 3 raw data files in ASCII format, 1 compressed self extracting file for the county data, 4 SAS sample data extraction program files, 1 documentation file and 1 readme file.

  • 1998—Includes 3 SAS data files, 1 compressed zip file for the county data, 4 SAS sample data extraction program files, 1 documentation file and 1 readme file.

This Standard Data Product can be downloaded from this web site.

release date
September 2003.


Data include both published and unpublished statistics in the public domain. Distribution in this form does not imply U.S. Department of Agriculture approval of a particular data series or statistic, nor does the Department attest to their accuracy. Moreover, the Economic Research Service makes no warranty that data supplied in this form are either accurate transcriptions from source materials or appropriate for a particular user purpose.

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page updated: September 16, 2003


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