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rural-urban commuting area codes

The rural-urban commuting area code (RUCA) classifies U.S. census tracts using measures of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting from the 1990 decennial census. The classification contains two levels. Whole numbers (1-10) delineate metropolitan, large town, small town, and rural commuting areas based on the size and direction of the tracts' largest commuting flows. These 10 codes are further subdivided to permit stricter or looser delimitation of metropolitan and nonmetropolitan settlement, based on secondary commuting flows. The approach errs in the direction of more codes, so as to provide maximum flexibility for the selective combination of codes that will meet varying definitional needs and preferences.

A ZIP code approximation of the RUCA codes is also available. It is based on a ZIP/Census tract crosswalk and not on a separate analysis of population and commuting data unique to the ZIP code geographic unit.

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release date
Revised February 1, 2001.

questions and answers
Q. When will the Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes based on the 2000 Census be released?

A. New Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes based on the 2000 Census are not expected to be available until September 2004.


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page updated: July 29, 2004

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