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farm policy, farm households, and the rural economy

Historical photo from 1942 of a man crating spinach in Robstown, Texas, merged with a recent photo of corn production in Colorado. ARS and USDA photos.Existing U.S. farm programs have their origins in the 1930s, a period when the well being of U.S. farm households and rural communities were tightly linked. Although farms, farm households, and rural communities at the beginning of the 21st century are vastly different, commodity-based support programs continue to play a central role in U.S. agricultural policy. This raises questions about whether current policies most effectively target the needs of an evolving farm and rural economy.

Numerous questions arise about market responses to policy change, and about the appropriate role of federal programs to facilitate adjustment. What are the impacts of existing policies, how are they distributed, and how would they change if policies change? Would policy reform impose significant adjustment costs on large numbers of farm households and/or rural communities? This briefing room is designed to help fill this information gap and stimulate new thinking that contributes to the ongoing policy debate. ERS research casts a wide net—covering economic, environmental, rural household and community welfare, and institutional implications—and extends both upstream and downstream from the farmgate. More overview...


Peanut Policy Change and Adjustment Under the 2002 Farm Act. By eliminating the longstanding peanut marketing quota system, the 2002 Farm Act substantially altered the policy environment for the U.S. peanut sector. Although peanut prices and acreage declined following elimination of the marketing quota, increased planting flexibility has allowed growers to expand production in higher yielding areas, and sector revenues are expected to be relatively stable.

Workshop on Agricultural Policy Links to Farm Households and the Rural Economy. Farm programs have an impact on farm households and rural communities as well as agricultural commodity markets. To address this important policy area, the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy and ERS held a workshop on May 14, 2004, to broaden the information base available to decisionmakers. The aim of the workshop was to go beyond traditional considerations and begin to address farm policy's intended and unintended consequences for farm households and rural America well in advance of the next farm bill.

recommended readings
Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges. At the beginning of the 21st century, rural America comprises 2,305 counties, contains 80 percent of the Nation's land, and is home to 56 million people.

The 2002 Farm Act: Provisions and Implications for Commodity Markets. This report provides an initial assessment of the legislation's effects on agricultural production, commodity markets, and net farm income over the next 10 years. Results indicate that commodity market impacts are fairly small. Net farm income is projected higher than under a continuation of the 1996 Farm Act, largely reflecting an increase in government payments.

Income, Wealth, and the Economic Well-Being of Farm Households. Farm households draw income from various sources, including off-farm work, other businesses and, increasingly, nonfarm investments. Using an expanded definition of economic well-being, the report shows that farm households as a whole are better off than the average U.S. household, but that 6 percent remain economically disadvantaged.

See all recommended readings...

related data products
State Facts Sheets. Information on population, employment, income, farm characteristics, and farm financial indicators for all 50 States.

Farm Program Data and Information. Data on various aspects of farm and commodity policy, such as farm program participation rates, Commodity Credit Corporation net outlays by commodity and function, and price support loan activity.

Rural Gallery. Up-to-date information on rural indicators, including population and demographics, employment and unemployment, income and poverty, housing, industry, rural credit and agricultural finance, and Federal funds to rural America.

Measuring Rurality: County Typology Codes. ERS classification of nonmetro counties by economic activity and policy types.

Farm Financial Management Data. Tables, graphs, and downloadable spreadsheets on farm business finances and financial characteristics of farm households from the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS).

Farm Income Data. Estimates of farm sector income for the United States and individual States.

Farm Balance Sheet Data. Estimates of farm business balance sheets—including asset, debt, and equity information—for the United States and individual States. The disaggregated balance sheets enable users to assess the status and trends of wealth within the farm sector.

Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators (AREI) Database and Mapping Tool. A web-based tool that provides flexible data access and the latest GIS mapping technologies for data on agricultural resources and environmental indicators.

recent research developments
In the United States and other countries, adjustment and change in the farm sector and rural economy is an ongoing process. Producers and rural communities must continually adapt to changing market conditions, whether the result of agricultural policies or broader economic developments such as technological innovations, shifting demand, or macroeconomic conditions. ERS is investigating the impacts of agricultural policy on commodity markets, prices, and farm income; linkages between the farm sector and the rural economy; and farm household financial well-being. Because each commodity sector, region or country, and farm household faces unique conditions, ERS is also researching the response of these groups to fundamental adjustments in farm policy and other factors shaping change in the agricultural sector. Contact: Erik Dohlman or Carolyn Dimitri.

related briefing rooms

related links
USDA Farm Service Agency. Commodity program information.

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Center for the Study of Rural America. Analysis of economic and policy issues related to rural America.

U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Agriculture. Farm legislation and legislative proposals.

U.S. Senate, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Farm legislation and legislative proposals.

National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy. Research studies on biotechnology, pesticides, international trade and development, and farm and food policy.

Pennsylvania State University, International Agricultural Policy Reform and Adjustment Project. A research project on the reform of global agricultural and trade policies and adjustment in the food and agricultural sector.

Regional rural development research centers. Research and education programs to improve the well-being of rural people.


for more information, contact: Stephen Vogel, Erik Dohlman, or Jeffrey Hopkins
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: July 16, 2004


 Also at ERS...
latest publications
The Conservation Reserve Program: Economic Implications for Rural America

Rural America At A Glance, 2004

DatelinERS Newsletter, September 2004

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Farm and Farm-related Employment

Agricultural Outlook Statistical Indicators

County Typology Codes

research emphases
a competitive agricultural system
an enhanced quality of life for rural Americans
harmony between agriculture and the environment

related topics
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Policy Topics

Policy Topics>Farm & Commodity Policy

Policy Topics>Farm Income Policy

Policy Topics>Rural Policy

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