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Rural Education at a Glance

Robert Gibbs, editor

Rural Development Research Report No. (RDRR98) 6 pp, January 2004

This report provides the latest information from the 2000 Census and other Federal sources on the education characteristics of rural workers and counties. It documents the steady rise in rural adult educational attainment in the 1990s and the increasing importance of education to rural workers and places. The report also finds that racial educational differences remain large and that adult education levels remain far below the national average in many rural counties, particularly in the South. Counties with more educated populations appear to have performed better economically in the 1990s and have lower poverty rates.

Keywords: rural, urban, nonmetro, metro, nonmetropolitan, metropolitan, educational attainment, education, training, race, ethnicity, college completion rates, high school noncompletion rates, ERS, USDA

In this report ...

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page updated: February 10, 2004

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