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enhanced quality of life for rural Americans:
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U.S. Department of Agriculture

Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service—contains information about land-grant university research, extension, and education programs

Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community Program—describes the USDA/HUD program, regulations, and progress of these communities

Farm Service Agency—contains information on commodity programs, emergency loans, conservation, food assistance, and disaster programs for U.S. farmers

National Agricultural Statistics Service—provides statistical information about agriculture and rural communities, including the Census of Agriculture

Natural Resources Conservation Service—contains information about agricultural, natural resource, and environmental research

Rural Development—provides information about USDA business, housing, and utility programs to improve the economy and quality of life in rural America

1890 Land Grant Universities—describes the research and extension programs of these land-grant universities

National Rural Development Partnerships (NRDP)—provides information about the National and State Rural Development Councils and NRDP programs

Small Farms and Sustainable Development—provides information and resources related to sustainable development and small farms, including the Small Farms Advisory Commission

Regional rural development research centers
Research and education programs to improve the well-being of rural people in four regions:

Rural development resources and tools

USDA National Agricultural Library, Rural Information Center—provides rural information and referral services to local, state, and Federal Government officials, community organizations, and others

USDA Current Research Information System (CRIS)—provides summaries of USDA-sponsored research projects in agriculture, food and nutrition, rural development, and forestry

Mann Library, Cornell University—provides information about 300 reports and data sets from the economics agencies of the USDA

Bureau of Census Data Access Mapping Tools—contains access to interactive Internet tools, downloadable software, and data from the Census Bureau

Other rural development sites

Center for Community Economic Development—contains information about the development and delivery of educational programs for community economic development programs

Center for the Study of Rural America—provides information about conferences, research, and policy issues related to the future of rural America

Cornell University Community and Rural Development Institute (CARDI)—fosters communication and collaboration among existing community and rural development research, extension, and teaching programs, and monitors trends in community and rural development

Federal Reserve Board of Governors—provides breaking news, research, and data about the Nation's monetary and financial system

Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development—identifies emerging rural policy needs and facilitates educational outreach to rural communities

U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA)—provides information about programs and resources available to assist communities with economic development


for more information, contact: Tim Parker
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: March 8, 2004

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