ISO/TC 8 N 1000 R3 rev
date: 1999-04-01 total pages: 55
item nr.: - supersedes document: 8 N 1000 R2

Secretariat Mr. Ichiro Ogo, JMSA (Japan) Title: Ships and marine technology


ISO/TC 8 Ships & Marine Technology
Status report

Table of content

General Introduction
ISO/TC 8 Ships and marine technology
ISO/TC 8 Advisory Group (AG)
sc1 logo SC 1 Lifesaving and fire protection (USA)
sc2 logo SC 2 Marine environmental protection (USA)
sc3 logo SC 3 Piping and machinery (USA)
sc4 logo SC 4 Outfitting and deck machinery (China)
sc5 logo SC 5 Ships' bridge layout (Denmark)
sc6 logo SC 6 Navigation (Japan)
sc7 logo SC 7 Inland navigation vessels (Russian Federation)
sc8 logo SC 8 Structures (Germany)
sc9 logo SC 9 General requirements (Japan)
sc10 logo SC 10 Computer applications (Norway)
annex A - List of IMO-link-NR’s
annex B - Index on IMO Resolutions
annex C - Index on ISO standard numbers
annex D - Allocation of numbers of work items to ISO/TC 8 subcommittees
annex E - Assignment of IMO-link-NR’s to ISO/TC 8 SC’s and IMO bodies

Intro | TC8 | AG | SC1 | SC2 | SC3 | SC4 | SC5 | SC6 | SC7 | SC8 | SC9 | SC10 | A | B | C | D | E
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