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horizonal rule



The following consumer information is provided by
the Communications Staff, FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for administering the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) which requires that food be pure and wholesome, that it not contain unsafe additives or poisonous or deleterious substances, and that it is truthfully labeled. Under the Act, food includes products for animals as well as humans. FDA works closely with our State counterparts and many States have laws and regulations that are equivalent or similar to the Act. We share the goal of a safe food supply for both humans and animals.

Recycled animal waste is a processed feed product for livestock derived from animal manure or a mixture of manure and litter. Animal wastes contain significant percentages of protein, fiber, and essential minerals and have been deliberately incorporated into animal diets for their nutrient properties for almost 40 years. Incorporation of this product into animal diets is a viable alternative to land application or land fill.

The recycling of animal waste as a feed ingredient is primarily a local practice. The bulk and weight of the product are such that transportation costs for significant shipment across State lines is generally uneconomical. Generally, animal waste is used within the State where it is produced. Many State feed control agencies have taken the initiative in establishing standards regarding the use of processed animal waste as a feed ingredient. Because it is generally used within the State where it is produced and the States have the capacity to effectively regulate its use, FDA policy is not to take an active surveillance role in regulating the use of processed animal waste as an animal feed ingredient (FDA Compliance Policy Guide, Sec. 685.100, Recycled Animal Waste -- CPG 7126.34.) This policy does not constitute an endorsement of the use of recycled animal waste in animal feed, nor has FDA classified recycled animal waste as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) or as an approved food additive. FDA may still take regulatory action if shipment of waste across State lines which presents a health hazard is brought to the Agency's attention, and the State(s) involved cannot take appropriate regulatory action.

FDA expects the States to require this product to conform to the definitions promulgated by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), as published in its "Official Publication" and as described in its "Model Regulations for Processed Animal Waste Products as Animal Feed Ingredients."

Although not officially recognized by FDA, the Agency regards the AAFCO definitions as generally constituting the common or usual names for animal feed ingredients.

December 1998

AAFCO is an organization of State, Dominion, Federal, or other government agencies on the North American continent that works to oversee the regulation of animal feed and seeks to achieve uniformity. FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine is a very active participant in this organization. AAFCO has developed feed ingredient definitions and model regulations that States may use to regulate the manufacture, labeling, distribution, and sale of animal feeds.

AAFCO developed a Model Regulation for processed animal waste which was adopted in 1979, and many States follow this model as well as having their own specific regulations governing animal waste usage. Under the AAFCO Model Regulation, in order for this product to be used in a commercial feed, it must be registered/licensed within a State and be assayed for Salmonella and E. Coli bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides, drugs, parasitic larva or ova, and mycotoxins. These assays are to be conducted periodically to ensure the continued uniformity and safety of the feed product.

Copies of the AAFCO "Official Publication" are available for purchase from:

Sharon Senesac
Assistant Secretary, AAFCO
P.O. Box 478
104 East McConnell Street
Oxford, Indiana 47971
(765) 385-1029

horizonal rule