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Office of Justice Programs
The Audit Division reports on the expenditure of federal funds by certain recipients of
grants from the Office of Justice Programs (OJP).
All the Executive Summaries have been cleared and are arranged within the appropriate state directory for convenience.
States not represented in this distribution do not have Executive Summaries available for inclusion at this time.
State Alpha Quick Link:
| B | C | D | E | F | G
| H | I | J | K | L | M
| N | O | P | Q | R | S
| T | U | V | W
Grant to Administer the Victims of Crime Assistance Program for the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, GR-40-03-004, December 2002 (Executive Summary Only)
Inter-Tribal Integrated Justice Pilot Project Grant Awarded to the University of Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute National Center for Rural Law Enforcement, Little Rock, Arkansas, GR-80-04-003, January 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
School Violence Resource Center Grant Awarded to the University of Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute National Center for Rural Law Enforcement, Little Rock, Arkansas, GR-80-04-004, January 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Strategic Information Technology Center Project Grant Awarded to the University of Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute National Center for Rural Law Enforcement, Little Rock, Arkansas, GR-80-04-005, January 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies Arkansas Office
of the Prosecutor Coordinator, Little Rock, Arkansas, GR-80-00-006, January 4, 2000 (Executive Summary Only)
Police Hiring Supplement Grant to the Phoenix Police Department, Arizona, GR-90-99-002,October 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
University of Arizona, GR-90-98-026, May 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Cooperative Agreement Awarded to the National Council on Crime and Delinquency, GR-90-05-001, October 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Strengthening At-Risk Families All Across America Grant Awarded to the Parents Anonymous Incorporated, GR-90-04-013, August 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime, Crime Victim Compensation for 9/11 Attack on America Grant Awarded to California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, GR-90-04-017, September 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime, Crime Victim Compensation for 9/11 Attack on America, Grant Awarded to California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, GR-90-04-018, September 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Youth Violence and Gambling Project: A Positive Development Approach Awarded to Fuller Theological Seminary, GR-90-04-008, April 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
National K-12 Substance Abuse Prevention and Violence Avoidance Project Grant Awarded to D.A.R.E. America, GR-90-04-005, March 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance Court Information Systems Automation and Integration Project Grant Awarded to Search Group, Inc. Grant Number 1999-MU-MU-0005 Sacramento, California, GR-90-04-001, December 2003 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention National Delinquency Prevention Education Project Grant Awarded to the Constitutional Rights Foundation, Grant Number 2001-JS-FX-0008, Los Angeles, California, GR-90-04-002, December 2003 (Executive Summary Only)
Bureau of Justice Assistance Police Hiring Supplement Grant to the San Diego Police Department, California, GR-90-99-012, March 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Police Hiring Supplement Grant to the Richmond Police Department, California, GR-90-98-038, September 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Police Hiring Supplement Grant to the City of Oakland Police Department, California, GR-90-98-030, June 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Police Hiring Supplement Grant to the East Palo Alto Police Department, California, GR-90-98-020, May 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
County of Sacramento Sheriff's Department, California, GR-90-98-018, April 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Police Hiring Supplement Grant to the City of Watsonville Police Department, California, GR-90-98-016, April 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program Grants Administered by the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, GR-60-04-004, March 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Cooperative Agreement Administered By The Children's Advocacy Center For The Pikes Peak Region Colorado Springs, Colorado, GR-60-04-002, December 2003
(Executive Summary Only)
Audit of Drug Court and Technical Assistance
Project Grants Administered by the Justice Management Institute, Denver,
Colorado, GR-80-99-002, November 3, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Jefferson County District Attorney's Office,
Colorado, GR-80-98-030, August 19, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team Project
Expansion Administered by the Colorado Springs Police Department, GR-80-98-022, June 26,
1998 (Executive Summary Only)
OJP's FY 1997 Corrections Technical Assistance Program to the Criminal Justice Institute, Inc., GR-70-99-003, March 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Fiscal Year 1997
Corrections Technical Assistance Program to the Criminal Justice Institute, Inc., GR-70-99-012, September, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Police Hiring Supplement Grant Awarded to the New
Haven, Connecticut Police Department, GR-70-98-008, December 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Drug Court Improvement and Enhancement Initiative,
to the Superior Court of Delaware, GR-70-98-014, August 14, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
American University, Drug Court Clearinghouse and
Technical Assistance Program, GR-30-98-014, September 30, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Center for Effective Public Policy, Implementing
Effective Sex Offender Management Strategies: A Program of Training and Technical
Assistance, GR-30-98-0013, September 29, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Police Executive Research Forum, Technical Assistance for Police Responding to Violence Against Women, GR-30-98-005, August 27, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Justice Research, Evaluation, and Development Project Cooperative Agreement Awarded to the University of Central Florida to Continue the National Center for Forensic Science Project, Report No. GR-40-04-007, August 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Juvenile Restitution Initiative Balanced and Restorative Justice Project Awarded to the Florida Atlantic University, GR-40-04-004, February 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant to the Fort Pierce, Florida, Police Department, GR-40-99-011 (Executive Summary Only)
Grant for Drug Court Improvement and Enhancement to the Fourth Judicial Circuit Court, Jacksonville, Florida, GR-40-99-016, September 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant to the Tampa, Florida, Police Department, GR-40-99-014 (Executive Summary Only)
Grant for Drug Court Improvement and Enhancement
to the 16th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida GR-40-98-021, August 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Grant to Test the Efficacy of Court-Mandated Counseling for Domestic Violence Offenders, Florida Atlantic University, GR-40-98-016, July 1998
(Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, TEENSupreme Career Prep Program Grant Awarded to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Inc.
Grant Number 1998-JN-FX-0007, GR-40-04-005, March 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Grant To The Georgia Bureau Of Investigation's National Criminal History Improvement Program, GR-40-02-009, September 2002 (Executive Summary Only)
Grant for the Boot Camp Construction Initiative to the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice, GR-40-99-001, October 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies to the Cobb County, Georgia, Board of Commissioners, GR-40-98-014, July 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Weed and Seed Grants Administered by the Chicago Housing Authority Chicago, Illinois, GR-50-99-011, July 29, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs
Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies to the City of Chicago Heights, Illinois, GR-50-00-019, May 26, 2000 (Executive Summary Only)
Boot Camp Construction Grant Administered by the Department of Corrections, GR-50-98-029, August 27, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
National Criminal History Improvement Program Grant Administered by the Indianapolis, Indiana Police Department, GR-50-04-004, April 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grant
to the Council on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence and Family Crisis Centers of Northwest Iowa Sioux City, Iowa, GR-50-99-013, September 16, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
FY 1996 Rural Domestic Violence and Child
Victimization Program, Administered by the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic
Violence, Topeka, Kansas, GR-50-98-014, June 8, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs Teleconferencing Equipment for Prosecutors and Community Education, Grant Administered by the University Of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, GR-50-04-006, May 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Jefferson County, Kentucky, Drug Court Improvement and Enhancement Initiative, GR-40-98-020, September 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies to the Rockcastle County, Kentucky, Fiscal Court, GR-40-98-017, August 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Police Hiring Supplement Grant Awarded to the
Salisbury, Maryland Police Department, GR-30-99-005, July 20, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs Grant Administered by Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts, GR-70-04-003, January 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Fiscal Year 1996 Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Grant to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Family and Community Health, GR-70-99-011, August 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Bureau of Justice Assistance Police Hiring
Supplement Grant Awarded to the City of Fitchburg, Massachusetts Police Department, GR-70-99-006
July 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Fiscal Year 1996 Evaluation of Boot Camps on Confinement Populations to the ABT Associates Incorporated, GR-70-98-022, September 24, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Drug Court Implementation Initiative Grant
Administered by Eaton County, Michigan, GR-50-00-013, February 25, 2000 (Executive Summary Only)
Drug Court Improvement and Enhancement Grant Administered by Kalamazoo County, Michigan, GR-50-98-021, July 22, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Midwest Regional Children's Advocacy Center Project Grant Awarded to Children's Hospital St. Paul, Minnesota, GR-50-04-005, May 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office Of Justice Programs Correctional Facilities On Tribal Lands Grant Administered By The Red Lake Band Of Chippewa Indians, Red Lake, Minnesota, GR-50-03-003, March 2003 (Executive Summary Only)
Violence Against Women Discretionary Cooperative Agreements, Administered by Minnesota Program Development, Inc., Duluth, Minnesota, GR-50-98-034, September 14, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church Drug-Free
Communities Support Program, Greenville, Mississippi, GR-40-00-010, April 2000 (Executive Summary Only)
Drug Court Improvement and Enhancement Grant Administered by Jackson, County, Missouri Prosecutor, GR-50-98-020, July 21, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants Administered by the National American Indian Court Judges Association National Tribal Justice Resource Center, Boulder, Colorado, GR-60-04-001, December 2003
(Executive Summary Only)
Confederated Tribes of the Chugachmiut Indian Reservation, GR-90-00-011, March 2000 (Executive Summary Only)
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, GR-90-00-012, March 2000 (Executive Summary Only)
Southern Ute Indian Tribe, STOP Violence Against Indian Women Grant, GR-80-00-004, December 14, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies Administered by the Osage Tribal Council, GR-80-99-007, March 5, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Stop Violence Against Indian Women Grants Administered by the Osage Tribal Council, GR-80-99-006, March 5, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Yavapai-Apache Indian Nation, GR-90-98-034, December 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Hoopa Valley Tribal Police Department, California, GR-90-98-007, January 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Inc., GR-90-98-014, March 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Mescalero Apache Tribe, Mescalero, New Mexico, GR-80-98-016, April 17, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indian Tribe, GR-90-98-032, June 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Las Vegas Paiute Tribal Police, Nevada, GR-90-98-027, June 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency, GR-90-98-037, December 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Red Lake, Minnesota, GR-50-98-031, September 30, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
La Courte Oreilles Tribal Government, Hayward, Wisconsin, GR-50-99-002, November 30, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Drug Court Implementation Initiative Grant, Administered by the Douglas County District Court, Douglas County, Omaha, Nebraska, GR-50-98-030, September 15, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs Cooperative Agreement Administered by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, GR-90-04-003, January 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
FY 1997 Drug Court Implementation Initiative to the Superior Court of New Jersey, GR-70-99-005, March 31, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Albuquerque Police Department Forensic DNA Laboratory Improvement Grants GR-80-00-001, October 13, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
No Suspect Casework DNA Backlog Reduction Program Grant Awarded to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services Albany, New York, GR-70-04-008, September 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Cooperative Agreement Administered by the Fund for the City of New York, New York, New York, GR-70-04-002, January 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs Grant Administered by the Doe Fund, Inc., New York, New York, GR-70-04-001, November 2003 (Executive Summary Only)
Fiscal Year 1995 Grant to the New York State Division for Youth, Juvenile Boot Camp, GR-70-99-013, September 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Drug Court Implementation Initiative to the New York State Unified Court System, GR-70-98-021, September 22, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Grant to Administer the Victims of Crime Assistance Program for the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, GR-40-03-006, March 2003 (Executive Summary Only)
Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina Police Department, GR-40-99-002, October 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants Administered By The Turtle Mountain Band Of Chippewa Indians Belcourt, North Dakota, GR-60-04-003, December 2003
(Executive Summary Only)
Audit of The Healing Little Hearts Project Administered By Tender Hearts Against Family Violence, Inc., Fort Yates, North Dakota, GR-80-99-011, May 24, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Program, Bismarck, North Dakota, GR-80-98-017, May 5, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
No Suspect Casework DNA Backlog Reduction Program Grant Awarded to the State of Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, London, Ohio, GR-60-04-005, March 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies Administered by the Dayton Police Department, Dayton, Ohio, GR-50-98-035, September 24, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Police Hiring Supplement Grant Awarded to City of Cleveland, Police Department, GR-50-98-032, September 23, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
National Institute of Justice,
Juvenile Breaking the Cycle Cooperative Agreement Awarded to Lane County Department of Youth Services, GR-90-04-007, April 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs Grant Administered by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, GR-70-04-005, May 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Grant to Encourage Arrest Policies to the Governor's Justice Commission of Rhode Island, GR-70-98-023, September 25, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants Administered by Cangleska, Inc., Kyle, South Dakota, GR-60-02-004, August 2002 (Executive Summary Only)
South Dakota Department of Corrections, Boot Camp Construction Initiative, GR-80-98-031, August 21, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
No Suspect Casework DNA Backlog Reduction Program, Cooperative Agreement Awarded to the State of Texas, Department of Public Safety, Austin, Texas, Report No. GR-80-04-008, September 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Drug Court Implementation Initiative Administered by the Dallas County District Attorney's Office, GR-80-98-037, September 17, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants to San Antonio, Texas Police Department, GR-80-99-009, March 19, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies Administered by the City of Austin's Police Department, GR-80-99-001, October 14, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Dallas County Domestic Violence Project, GR-80-98-036, September 17, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Fiscal Year 1996 Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grant to Women Helping Battered Women, GR-70-99-002, January 29, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
FY 1996 Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grant to the Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services, GR-70-98-012, July 10, 1998 (Executive Summary Only)
Training and Technical Assistance Provisions for Bureau of Justice Assistance's Community Prosecution Grantees, Grant Number 2000-PP-CX-K001 Administered by the American Prosecutors' Research Institute, Alexandria, Virginia, GR-30-04-001, January 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
National Association of Drug Court Professionals, GR-30-99-012, September 30, 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Police Hiring Supplement Grant Awarded to the Newport News, Virginia, Police Department, GR-30-99-003, April 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Property Crimes Task Force Grant Awarded to the Spokane County Board of Commissioners, GR-90-04-016, September 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Justice Programs Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Spokane Safe Start Grant Awarded to Washington State University, GR-90-04-006, March 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention National Training and Technical Assistance Project Grant Awarded to the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association, GR-90-04-004, January 2004 (Executive Summary Only)
Bureau of Justice Assistance Police Hiring Supplement Grant to the Seattle Police Department, Washington, GR-90-99-011, February 1999 (Executive Summary Only)
Missing Children's Assistance Award Administered by the Fox Valley Technical College, Award Number 98-MC-CX-K003, GR-50-04-002, December 2003 (Executive Summary Only)
Grants To Encourage Arrest Policies And Enforcement Of Protection Orders Administered By Dane County, Wisconsin, GR-50-04-003, December 2003
(Executive Summary Only)
Missing Children's Assistance Award Administered by the Fox Valley Technical College, Award Number 98-MC-CX-K010, GR-50-04-001, December 2003 (Executive Summary Only)