Multi-Megawatt Circulator for TE01 Waveguide--Calabazas Creek Research, 20937 Comer Drive, Saratoga, CA  95070-3753; 408-741-8680

Dr. Jeffrey Neilson, Principal Investigator, jeff@calcreek.com 

Dr. Lawrence Ives, Business Official, rlives@calcreek.com 

DOE Grant No. DE-FG03-01ER83210

Amount:  $100,000


The Next Linear Collider (NLC) will employ an innovative waveguide system called the Multi-moded Delay Line Distribution System (MDLDS).  Klystrons with power capabilities of 50-100 MW per tube will be used for the radio frequency (RF) sources.  To protect the klystrons from reflected power in the system, circulators will be needed.  However, current state-of-the-art circulators are not capable of passing more than 1 MW at the MDLDS frequency (11.424GHz).  This program will develop a new configuration for circulators using the TE01 mode in an overmoded waveguide, capable of passing 50-100 MW.  In addition, the technology will be used to design high-efficiency, active, waveguide switches.   Phase I will investigate the feasibility of constructing and operating a TE01 based circulator at the 50-100 MW power level.  If the device meets the required objectives, a test device will be constructed, and the RF properties will be measured and compared to calculations.


Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by awardee:  The circulator technology should have direct applications for pulse compressors for high-power radars and medical accelerators.   The technology should also find application in development of components for W-band radar and industrial heating that are not available using current technology.


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