Toroidal Pulse Transformer for the Next Linear Collider--Diversified Technologies, Inc., 35 Wiggins Avenue, Bedford, MA  01730-2314; 781-275-9444

Mr. Paul Brown, Principal Investigator, brown@divtecs.com 

Mr. Michael Kempkes, Business Official, kempkes@divtecs.com 

DOE Grant No. DE-FG02-01ER83175

Amount:  $99,721


The Next Generation Linear Collider (NLC) will require 800 klystron modulators capable of providing 500 kV, 500 A pulses at 120 Hz.  The losses and non-ideal pulse characteristics inherent in currently available pulse transformers are a significant impediment to high performance, highly efficient modulator systems.  Further, modulator inefficiencies translate directly into increased operating costs.  This project will design, build, and assess a toroidal, low impedance pulse transformer for the NLC klystron modulators, which significantly improves on available designs.  Multiple full-scale designs will be constructed and tested with existing switch technologies, including a solid state switch.  Phase I will model, design, and prototype a scaled toroidal pulse transformer architecture capable of achieving the desired NLC modulator requirements and efficiency.  The design will be assessed for cost, efficiency, and reliability within a NLC klystron modulator.  A full-scale, very high power, pulse transformer will be constructed in Phase II.


Commercial Applications And Other Benefits as described by awardee:  Pulsed power systems are increasingly important to new materials modification and treatment processes, such as plasma source ion implantation.  Cost effective, very high peak power systems may enable the development of new manufacturing and materials processing techniques across a wide range of industrial and medical applications, including semiconductor fabrication, medical treatment systems, radar, and food sterilization.

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