Detector Arrays Based on Fast Scintillators--Adherent Technologies, Inc., 9621 Camino del Sol, NE, Albuquerque, NM  87111-1522; 505-346-1685

Dr. Jan‑Michael Gosau, Principal Investigator, jgosau@adherent-tech.com 

Dr. Ronald E. Allred, Business Official, atiadmin@flash.net 

DOE Grant No. DE-FG03-01ER83176 

Amount:  $99,999



Nuclear physics research requires large detectors that can detect particles with good spatial and time resolution.  However, these devices are expensive to build and require high maintenance.  They also require a large solid support structure, which adds to overall project cost.  This project will integrate a new scintillator material into a fiber-optic-based array to produce a high-resolution detector that provides scientific data at greatly reduced capital and maintenance costs.  Phase I will: (1) provide a proof-of-concept of the new technology and show that an array with spatial and time resolution can be built; (2) fabricate a prototype array to detect medium energy particles or radiation; and (3) develop a readout scheme to provide the desired output via coincidence measurements.


Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee:  The scintillator fibers and arrays should find use in multiple commercial applications.  The arrays could be used as detectors for medical x-ray applications and as astronomical instruments.  The fiber optic sensors could be used to survey environmentally sensitive sites and as detectors in radiation processing, e.g., in the fabrication of composites using electron beams.

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