Encryption Black Box (EBB)--En Garde Systems, Inc., 4848 Tramway Ridge Drive, Suite 122, Albuquerque, NM  87112; 505-346-1760

Mr. Michael Neuman, Principal Investigator, mcn@engarde.com 

Mrs. Diana Neuman, Business Official, dmn@engarde.com 

DOE Grant No. DE-FG03-01ER83241

Amount:  $86,600


Current security products fall short of providing a secure network environment.  In addition, security solutions today are fragmented and, by nature of their single point of control, cannot keep up with the performance needs of high bandwidth networks.  This project will develop a single pervasive solution that enhances security and improves system management.  At a minimum, it will provide encryption and authentication.  At its fullest, it will provide completely transparent single sign-on, host-level intrusion detection and prevention, as well as network-wide patching of security vulnerabilities to all local and remote hosts.   Phase I will identify the performance requirements needed for hardware and networking software based upon actual test cases using various encryption algorithms and hardware configurations.  Analysis will include measuring the performance of the total throughput allowed, as well as the latency created by the system.


Commercial Applications And Other Benefits as described by awardee:  The technology, designed to be transparent to the end user while providing encryption and network authentication across any size network, should significantly improve upon virtually all-existing security products.  Also it would be the first product to address the problem of internal attacks.


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