Demonstration of Modular Biopower System Using Poultry Waste--Community Power Corporation, 8420 S. Continental Divide Road Suite 100, Littleton, CO  80127; 724-348-6386

Mr. John Reardon, Principal Investigator, jreardon@gocpc.com 

Mr. Arthur Lilley, Business Official, artsolar@aol.com 

DOE Grant No. DE-FG03-01ER83214

Amount:  $100,000


The use of poultry waste for power generation often involves transporting the poultry waste to centralized power stations and pelletizing facilities.  However, siting, financial, and feedstock supply issues have led to pending legislation to control the disposal of the waste, which could have significant financial impact on the poultry industry, especially on small and medium growers that comprise the majority of operations.  Small, modular biopower units that convert poultry waste to heat and power at small and medium size operations would address this situation, but such technology does not exist in the US.  This project will adapt an existing small modular biopower system so that poultry waste can be used to generate electricity and heat for on-site applications.  In Phase I, the poultry market will be assessed with special emphasis on identifying applications for on-site energy at small to medium size operations. The gasifier and controls sub-systems of the existing small modular biopower system will be redesigned to convert different types of poultry waste to heat and power. A system design and cost estimate will be prepared for a commercial application of the small modular biopower system in Phase II.


Commercial Applications And Other Benefits as described by the awardee: The technology should provide an opportunity for small growers to benefit from power generation while eliminating poultry wastes.  In addition, the grower can maintain control of the waste and avoid liability for its improper usage by others.

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