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A Red Oak Data Bank for Computer Simulations of Secondary Processing

Author(s): Gatchell, Charles J.; Wiedenbeck, Janice K.; Walker, Elizabeth S.
Date: 1992
Source: Forest Products Journal. 43(6): 38-42.
Description: An extensive data bank for red oak lumber that is compatible with most secondary manufacturing computer simulator tools is now available. Currently, the data bank contains 10,718 board feet in 1,578 boards. The National Hardwood Lumber Associations (NHLA) Special Kiln Dried Rule was used to grade the boards. The percentage of a boardās surface measure contained in clear-face cuttings of required sizes can vary considerably depending on whether the board is graded by a computer or a person. Both computer-generated minimum percentages and human-generated optimum clear-face percentages are included in the data bank. The availability of this data bank should provide users confidence that differences between their findings and those of others are attributable to differences in the processes being simulated; the use of this data bank should minimize interstudy sample bias.
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