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Press Advisory
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No. 162-P
PRESS ADVISORY September 20, 2000

The final report from the First Annual Senior Enlisted Advisors Forum, hosted by Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen in June, is now available on DefenseLINK at http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/1stseaforum. Also 35,000 copies of the report are being printed and will be distributed this fall to the senior enlisted advisors in every unit of the Total Force.

Cohen established the forum to acknowledge the vital role of the senior enlisted members in today's Total Force, and to provide an opportunity to obtain, first hand, their perspective on the most pressing quality-of-life issues confronting our armed forces today.

The final report responds to the issues raised by participants and provides Internet links to numerous informational resources. It is intended to serve as a senior enlisted advisor source book.

Updated: 14 Jan 2003
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