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News Release
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No. 579-00
IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 20, 2000 (703)697-5737(public/industry)


The total numerical strength of the armed forces on July 31, 2000, was 1,415,484. This is an increase of 7,401 from June 30, 2000, and an increase of 2,831 from July 31, 1999.

These figures represent full-time armed forces personnel comprising both regular and reserves on active duty and officer candidates, including cadets at the academies.

Excluded from these figures are approximately 65,000 full-time military personnel who are paid from other than active duty military personnel appropriations. This group is funded from appropriations for Reserve components and Corps of Engineers civil functions. A comparable figure for fiscal 1999 was also 65,000 military personnel.

July 2000 strength figures for each Service with month-ago and year-ago figures for comparison may be found at http://web1.whs.osd.mil/mmid/military/ms0.pdf .

The active duty personnel strength data provided does not include Selected Reserve strength ordered to active duty by the President under Title 10, United States Code 12304.

Updated: 14 Jan 2003
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