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News Release
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No. 581-00
IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 20, 2000 (703)697-5737(public/industry)


The Navy announced today that it has selected the advertising firm of Campbell-Ewald of Detroit, Mich., to provide a full range of general advertising services to support the Navy's efforts in recruiting and retention of personnel. The incentive-based contract has a potential maximum value of $330 million.

"We are engaged in all media markets and plan to take advantage of new communication technologies to enhance our message," said Vice Adm. Norb Ryan, chief of Naval Personnel. "Campbell-Ewald brings a great diversity of talent and professional expertise. They offer new opportunities to capitalize on the Navy message, and we are pleased to welcome them to the Navy team."

The award ends a six-month business evaluation process seeking a new incentive-based contract for Navy recruiting advertising. The incentive-based contract will ensure the best value of the Navy's advertising budget, while rewarding the agency for exceeding contract requirements. The initial contract is for a two-month transitional period, followed by five one-year options.

This new kind of advertising contract is one of numerous initiatives the Navy has instituted to meet the goal of enlisting more than 1,000 recruits every week of fiscal 2001. The Navy's recent recruiting successes have been attributable to initiatives that include increasing the recruiter force to 5,000, assigning more junior sailors to recruiting duty, adding 140 new recruiting stations, and launching an enhanced hometown recruiting program for junior fleet sailors called the Bluejacket Hometown Area Recruiting Program.

For more information, contact Cdr. Steve Lowry, (901) 874-9048.

Updated: 14 Jan 2003
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