Last updated: 06/02/04 doj/jmd/ls/aab
Remarks of Deputy Attorney General James Comey regarding Jose Padilla (6-1-04) Remarks of Deputy Attorney General James Comey Judicial Conference (03-16-04) Deputy Attorney General Speeches, 2003 Deputy Attorney General Speeches, 2002 Deputy Attorney General Speeches, 2001 Deputy Attorney General Speeches from 1996 to January 2001 are now accessible in the Archive section of the Department web site. Please visit the Archive to retrieve this information.
Deputy Attorney General Speeches, 2003 Deputy Attorney General Speeches, 2002 Deputy Attorney General Speeches, 2001
Deputy Attorney General Speeches from 1996 to January 2001 are now accessible in the Archive section of the Department web site. Please visit the Archive to retrieve this information.