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Research Staff

NREL's hydrogen and fuel cells research staff supports the Department of Energy's (DOE's) Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program. Because the fundamental science behind hydrogen and fuel cell systems crosscuts NREL's renewable energy technologies, researchers across the laboratory—in photovoltaics, bioenergy, transportation, wind, buildings, and basic sciences—contribute to this work.

NREL's hydrogen and fuel cells research is managed through seven technical tasks. Technical task leaders work closely with NREL's Technology Manager for its Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program and with NREL's Group Manager for its Hydrogen Technologies and Systems Group to guide and prioritize NREL's hydrogen and fuel cells research efforts.

Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program

Technology Manager, George Sverdrup

Hydrogen Production and Delivery

Task Leader, Carolyn Elam

Hydrogen Storage

Task Leader, Mike Heben

Fuel Cells

Task Leader, Keith Wipke

Technology Validation

Task Leader, Keith Wipke

Safety, Codes and Standards

Task Leader, Jim Ohi


Task Leader, Margaret Mann


Task Leader, Lynnae Boyd

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