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Press Advisory: No. 290-96

October 21, 1996


The Department of Defense and the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities will sign a partnership agreement at 3 p.m., October 22, 1996, in the Executive Dining Room 3A1062, Lounge #3, the Pentagon.

The Honorable Frederick F.Y. Pang, assistant secretary of Defense for Force Management Policy will sign the agreement on behalf of DoD. Dr. Antonio R. Flores, president of HACU will sign in behalf of his organization.

The DoD/HACU partnership agreement will enhance an on-going relationship of many years as well as providing for a collaborative relation in the area of student intern programs, faculty exchanges, recruitment of their students for DoD positions, and research in areas applicable to the DoD mission.

The agreement will serve as a good faith document establishing a structure for DoD to work effectively and productively with the nearly 200 Colleges and Universities that make up the HACU system. It will not obligate DoD to expend funds in its implementation.

For additional information on the DoD/HACU agreement, contact the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Equal Opportunity) at (703) 695-0107

Updated: 14 Jan 2003
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