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Press Advisory: No. 292-P

October 24, 1996


Deputy undersecretary of Defense for industrial affairs and installations John B. Goodman will tour Naval Station Treasure Island, San Francisco, Calif., and hold a media availability there Monday, October 28, 1996, at approximately 12:30 p.m. (PST).

The purpose of Goodman's visit is to introduce new Department of Defense procedures aimed at helping local communities and the entertainment industry more easily use closing bases for making motion picture and television productions. Treasure Island is a 1993 base closure and home for the set of television's “Nash Bridges,” as well as for production of several major motion pictures including “Jade,” “James and the Giant Peach,” “Flubber,” and “Copycat.” According to the Bay Area Economic Forum, the film and television industry employ 36,000 people and provide an additional $1.66 billion to the Bay Area economy annually.

Goodman's tour of the naval station will begin at about 12 noon (PST). He will be accompanied by San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, “Nash Bridges” star Don Johnson, and CBS executive vice president Billy Campbell. Representatives from a number of organizations instrumental in the development of the new procedures also will attend the event.

Media interested in covering Goodman's tour and press availability should contact Ken McNeill at (415) 395-5013; they should arrive at Building One, Treasure Island's Main Gate, no later than 11:45 a.m. (PST).

Updated: 14 Jan 2003
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