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American Forces Press Service News Article

Chairman Addresses the American Dream

By Staff Sgt. Lee Roberts, USAF
Special to the American Forces Press Service

	WASHINGTON -- "I once heard someone ask, 'What's the difference 
between the American dream and everyone else's dream?' The answer is that 
everybody else's dream is to come to America," said Army Gen. John M. 
Shalikashvili at a naturalization ceremony in the rotunda of the National 
Archives and Records Administration here.
	The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the 34 immigrants, 
naturalized by Judge Stanley Sporkin, U.S. District Court for the District 
of Columbia, that he too is an immigrant. He said the "dream to come to 
America binds us all together."
	The general -- in front of the original U.S. Constitution -- said
the dream came true for his family in 1952, when they came to "the magical 
place called America." He said America is a country where "if you work 
hard, you could become anything you want to be, a cowboy, a banker, a
baker or even chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff."
	Shalikashvili said he, his parents and sister marched down to the 
courthouse in Peoria, Ill., in May 1958 and raised their hands to become 
U.S. citizens, "much like you just did," he said. "It was for me the most 
important day of my life because, you see, for the very first time, I was
a citizen of a nation. Not just any nation, but the world's greatest
nation, the United States of America." As refugees, the Shalikashvilis
were stateless until that day in May 1958, he said.
	Within a matter of days the same month, Shalikashvili graduated
from college and was drafted into the U.S. Army. He said he never
intended to make it a career, but in time, "the excitement of military
service and the deep satisfaction of serving my new country convinced me
that the Army is where I belonged. That was 38 years ago, and I can't
think of a single day that I regretted that decision."
	Shalikashvili joined the Army's enlisted ranks in August 1958
and rose through the ranks. On Oct. 25, 1993, he assumed duties as the
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As the highest-ranking officer in
the military, he is the principal military adviser to the president,
the secretary of defense and the National Security Council.
	"Today, as it was 38 years ago, America is still a place with 
unlimited opportunities for those who work hard to realize their dreams
we just talked about," Shalikashvili told the new group of U.S. citizens.
"Our success as a nation is based on the fact that although we come from
so many different lands, we share a common set of beliefs about freedom
and about the dignity of man.
	"For you, today, as it was for me in 1958, this is truly the
dawn of a new day. It doesn't matter how old or young you are, whether
you're big or small, a man or a woman, for today you are Americans ...
members of the greatest democracy in the history of man," he said.
	The general urged the new citizens to assume the responsibilities
of citizenship. He said immigrants are expected to defend the U.S. 
Constitution, become productive members of the country -- strengthening 
neighborhoods, improving communities and enhancing the workings of 
government. Shalikashvili stressed the importance of exercising the
rights of citizens and encouraged participation in the election of 
representatives, to obey the laws of the land and certainly, respect
the rights of others.
	"Today, you also join the ranks of those that must jealously
guard our freedom," he said. "It is not an easy task, but a task that
must be done if the next generation of Americans is to prosper."

Sgt. Roberts is the editor of J-Scope, an electronic newsletter for
the Joint Staff.

Updated: 14 Jan 2003
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