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Facts and Figures 1997
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The following represents best current estimate of opportunities to reach the grazing potential on public lands in Utah.  As the Bureau's integrated planning system is implemented, these judgments are subject to revision.

All allotments are divided into three management categories as follows:

M I C Total
342 696 471 1,509

M        Category allotments are managed to maintain the current satisfactory range condition

I          Category allotments are managed to improve existing conditions.

C        Category allotments are managed under a custodial concept whereby resource potential is              low, no use conflicts exist, or opportunities for a positive economic return from public              investments do not exist, and present management is accomplishing the desired results.

Accomplishments FY1995 FY1996 FY1997
Land treatment includes plowing, juniper chaining, seeding, spraying (acres) 2,304 13,101 11,960
Water Developments
Pipelines (miles) 3.6 9.6 7.9
Reservoirs (each) 16 50 2.8
Springs (each) 0 0 2
Water catchments (each) 0 7 10
Wells (each) 1 3 0
Fencing (miles) 20.6 255.8 83
Cattleguards (each) 6 21 24

Total to Date:  Includes all improvements since passage of the Taylor Grazing Act in 1934.

Land Treatment 702,269 acres
Water Developments 3,789 acres
Fencing 8,379 acres

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Bureau of Land Management
Utah State Office
PO Box 45155
Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0155
Phone: (801) 539-4001
Fax:      (801) 539-4013

Created by Utah Bureau of  Land Management
Last Updated:  May 20, 2004

Send E-mail inquiries to Martha Harrison