Depression—Newer Pharmacotherapies

Selected Publications:

Mulrow CD, Williams JW Jr, Chiquette E, et al. Efficacy of newer medications for treating depression in primary care patients. Am J Med 2000 Jan;108(1):54-64. (PubMed® Abstract; Full Text)

Mulrow CD, Williams JW Jr, Trivedi M, et al. Treatment of depression—newer pharmacotherapies. Psychopharmacol Bull 1998;34(4):409-795. (PubMed® Abstract)

Snow V, Lascher S, Mottur-Pilson C. Pharmacologic treatment of acute major depression and dysthymia. American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine. Ann Intern Med 2000 May 2;132(9):738-42. (Full Text)

Williams JW Jr, Mulrow CD, Chiquette E, et al. A systematic review of newer pharmacotherapies for depression in adults: evidence report summary. Ann Intern Med 2000 May 2;132(9):743-56. (PubMed® Abstract; Full Text)

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