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Women's Veterans 

Comprehensive Health Centers

What is a Women Veterans' Comprehensive Health Center?

As a result of Public Law 102-585, four Women Veterans' Comprehensive Health Centers were established in 1993 to develop new and enhanced programs focusing on the unique health-care needs of women veterans. An additional four centers were funded in 1994. These Centers are located at VA medical centers in: Minnesota, Florida, Northern California, North Carolina, Illinois, Massachusetts, Southern California, and the Southeast Pennsylvania area. Many of these Centers are structured under a primary care model, which provides a coordinated approach to the provision of medical, surgical, and psychological care for women patients.

In 1993, VA established a new division within the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) devoted to studying the impact of military trauma on women veterans. The Women's Health Science Division, based at the Boston VA Medical Center, is the first of its kind in the country. The Center conducts studies designed to improve the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of PTSD in women and provides training for professionals working with PTSD.

Want more information? 

  [ IMAGE : /womenvet/images/vapeople.gif ]   Call Toll Free at 1-800-827-1000 

Addresses and phone numbers for VA benefits offices and health care facilities in your local community can be found at: The VA Facility and Leadership Directory 

Do you have a specific concern or comment about VA programs and services for women veterans?  Contact VA Women Veteran Program Officials.

Remember, most VA facilities have a Women Veterans Coordinator to assist you in applying for VA benefit programs and health care services.  Contact your local Coordinator today. 

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Please send your comments on this page to
The Center for Women Veterans
Contact the VA 
Write to:
Department of Veterans Affairs
Central Office (00W)
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: February 27, 2002