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 The Center for Women Veterans

 "Snapshots of Women in Military Service"

 Pride, Commitment, Patriotism

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 "Only in America could this happen."  Col. Velma L. Richardson said about her selection as one of the first two women selected for promotion to general in the Army Signal Corps.  She is the first woman deputy commander of Ft. Gordon, GA, the Home of the Army Signal Corps.

read more:


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Spec. Melissa Rathbun-Nealy, the first female to be taken as a prisoner of war by Iraqi forces during Operation Desert Storm, holds her mother's hand as she listens to a speech by Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney upon her return to the United States along with other former POWs, Andrews Air Force Base, MD

10 March 1991 (Defense Visual Information Center)


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 Senior Airman Julie Maxfield and 1st Lt. Karl Falk from the Air Force Material Command Top Dollar 2000 team work their way through the Tough Nut. All teams had 25 minutes to run the 15-obstacle course during competition held Dec. 7 to 11 in Gulfport, Miss. (Courtesy photo DEFENSELINK)

[ IMAGE : /womenvet/images/001580a-01mem.jpg ]


 Women's memorial celebrates 3rd anniversary -- At the Women in Military Service to America Memorial's third anniversary celebration held Oct.  15 at Arlington National Cemetery, retired Brig. Gen. Wilma Vaught (left), helps Navy Lt. Comdr. Susan Kilrain, unveil the Shuttle Mission Display collage. Kilrain, an Navy astronaut, made the artwork presentation on behalf of Col. Eileen Collins who is also an astronaut and was the first female spacecraft commander. Collins carried a special pin and a flag during her space shuttle mission, which are included the display. (Courtesy photo DEFENSELINK)


[ IMAGE : /womenvet/images/navy_collage.jpg ]


 All communities in the Navy are open to women officers with the exception of Submarines and SEALS. Enlisted women are
assigned to all but three ratings, all Submarine associated: MT, FT and STS.  There are no restrictions on women in aviation. Accessions and pipeline selections are gender neutral. All aviation ratings are open to enlisted women. Both enlisted and officer women may be assigned to any type of squadron and embarked on any type of ship. (NAVY PHOTO)

[ IMAGE : /womenvet/images/baucum.gif ]

Senior Airman Rebecca A. Baucum (left) passes a wreath to Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire James Crowden during the Madingley Memorial Day Commemorative Service on May 28, 2001, at the Cambridge American Military Cemetery, Coton, Cambridge, England. This year marks the 57th annual memorial service honoring the American servicemen and women who are buried here and those listed on the Wall of the Missing. The cemetery was dedicated on July 16, 1956, as the only permanent American World War II cemetery in the British Isles. Baucum is attached to the 48th Communication Squadron, 48th Fighter Wing, RAF Lakenheath. DoD photo by Airman 1st Class Joanna E. Reihle, U.S. Air Force. (Released) 

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 Women in the Army... Army Images

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 Women in the Army... Army Images

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Sergeant Amber Beegle, Cpl. Sharita Wright and Cpl. Karla Willet founded the Tri-Command Women Marines Association.
Photo by: LCpl. Ryan Romero

Addresses and phone numbers for Department of Veterans Affairs' benefits offices and health care facilities in your local community can be found at:

The VA Facility and Leadership Directory  

Do you have a specific concern or comment about VA programs and services for women veterans

  Contact VA Women Veteran Program Officials.

Remember, most VA facilities have a Women Veterans Coordinator to assist you in applying for VA benefit programs and health care services.  

Contact your local Coordinator today. 

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The Center for Women Veterans
Contact the VA 
Write to:
Department of Veterans Affairs
Central Office (00W)
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: December 18, 2002