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Airman is published monthly by the Air Force News Agency (AFNEWS) for the Secretary of the Air Force Office of Public Affairs. As the official magazine of the U.S. Air Force, it is a medium of information for Air Force personnel. Readers may submit articles, photographs and art work. Suggestions and criticisms are welcomed. All pictures are USAF photos unless otherwise identified. Opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of the Air Force.

Editorial offices: Airman, AFNEWS/NSPA, 203 Norton St., San Antonio, TX 78226-1848. Telephone (210) 925-7757; DSN 945-7757, Fax (210) 925-7219; DSN 945-7219 or e-mail to: the editor

You can subscribe to have airman delivered to your home or unit.

To facilitate use, the electronic version of Airman includes a representative sampling of photos that appear in the printed copy.


Secretary of the Air Force   James G. Roche  
Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force Gen. John P. Jumper
Director of Communications William C. Bodie
Director of Public Affairs

Brig. Gen. Frederick F. Roggero

Commander, AFNEWS Col. Anthony J. Epifano
Director, AF News Service B. Kim McDonald Jr.
Chief, Publications Division Jerry R. Stringer
Editor Jerry R. Stringer
Managing Editor Capt. Christa L. D'Andrea
Associate Editor 1st Lt. Megan Schafer
Assistant Editor Louis Arana-Barradas
Assistant Editor MSgt. Chuck Roberts
Senior Staff Writer TSgt. Mark Kinkade
Senior Staff Writer TSgt. Orville F. Desjarlais Jr.
Director of Photography MSgt. Lance S. Cheung
Photojournalist MSgt. Scott Wagers
Photojournalist MSgt. Efrain Gonzalez
Design Editor Stephen B. Ingram
Assistant Design Editor G. Patrick Harris
Editorial Assistant Vacant
Production Manager Andrew Yacenda