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Ordering Information for GLCTS Products

Unenhanced Landsat TM data can be distributed to U.S. Government and its Affiliated Users (USGAU) by the National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive (NSLRSDA), EROS Data Center (EDC) provided the data are to be used for noncommercial purposes only. All users requesting/receiving data from the NSLRSDA must review and acknowledge their understanding of the definitions of USGAU and affirm their eligibility as a member of the USGAU by signing an USGAU Certification Form with the U.S. Geological Survey, EDC.

  • A signed hardcopy form on file at the LP DAAC is required under the terms of the EOSAT USGAU agreement
  • If you have previously ordered data and have an USAGU form on file, DAAC User Services will verify that information (i.e. - contract, CRADA, grant, etc. is still valid and process your order). You will still need to fill out the order form as it tells us who you are and what product you are requesting

Place an Order

U.S. Government and its affiliated users includes: U.S. Government agencies; U.S. Government contractors; researchers involved with the United States Global Change Research Program and its international counterpart programs; and other researchers and international entities, that have signed with the United States Government a cooperative agreement involving the use of Landsat data for noncommercial purposes.

The term "noncommercial purposes" refers to those activities undertaken by individuals or entities on the condition, upon receipt of the unenhanced data, that:

  • such data shall not be used in connection with any bid for a commercial contract, development of a commercial product, or any other non-United States Government activity that is expected, or has the potential, to be profit making.
  • the results of such activities are disclosed in a timely and complete fashion in the open technical literature or other method of public release, except when such disclosure by the United States Government or its contractors would adversely affect the national security or foreign policy of the United States or violate a provision of law or regulations: and
  • such data shall not be distributed in competition with the unenhanced data provided by the Landsat contractor.

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