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American Forces Press Service

DoD Presents Award for Excellence to Five Installations

Sgt. 1st Class Doug Sample
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, May 8, 2003 – DoD honored the achievements of five military installations receiving this year's Commander in Chief's Award for Installation Excellence in a Pentagon ceremony May 2.

The 2003 winners were:

  • Army's 10th Area Support Group, Torii Station, Okinawa, Japan;
  • Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, Havelock, N. C.;
  • Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla.;
  • Hurlburt Field (Air Force), Fort Walton Beach, Fla.;
  • Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, Pa.
Edward C. "Pete" Aldridge, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, logistics, and technology, said the installations being honored were comprised of men and women "committed to DoD's mission and to our nation" and the "foundation to the best military in history."

"By working together to make our installations work more efficiently, they improve the quality of life for employees, their families, the surrounding communities and make our military the best in the world," he said.

Aldridge also attributed DoD's achievements in the war on terrorism to those installations that operate effectively and efficiently.

"The successes we have achieved thus far in the war on terrorism have given our country renewed pride in our nation and our military, and has made your job more critical," he stated.

Aldridge said the secretary of defense is committed to providing the best quality of life for service members while maintaining military readiness, telling the awardees, "You have directly contributed to achieving this goal."

"Our installations are more than just where we work or where we train. They are also our homes," he noted.

President Ronald Reagan created the award in 1985 to recognize the outstanding and innovative efforts of the people who operate and maintain U.S. military installations. Each winner is chosen for providing excellent working, housing and recreational conditions.

Updated: 08 May 2003
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