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Press Advisory Number: No. 235-P

August 21, 1995


Secretary of Defense William J. Perry will host an Honor Cordon to welcomeMinister of National Defense Maj. Gen. Moises Antonio Orozco, of the Republicof Venezuela, to the Pentagon at 10 a.m. (EDT), Tuesday, August 22, 1995.

The Cordon will be held on the steps of the Pentagon River Entrance. Therewill be a photo opportunity immediately following the Cordon.

Media must be at the River Entrance no later than 9:40 a.m. (EDT). Mediainterested in audiovisual coverage of these events may contact Mr. TerryMitchell at (703) 695-0169. Internet Availability: This document is available on DefenseLINK, a World WideWeb Server on the Internet, at: http://www.dtic.mil/defenselink/

Updated: 14 Jan 2003
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